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Full Version: Help section for itself?
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Couldn't find the help section for the forum itself.

1. At registration you asked for 2 security questions-answers. Strangely, you don't ask for the answer to those questions when resetting the password. (Nor any other community forums ask for such questions at registration) How can I reclaim and modify that data? I can't find it in User CP.

2. Web design, see screenshot:

[Image: NMJJ5Vp.png]

I wonder how many people (infrequent visitors) assume they should write their login-password info into the big white fields, which, for the undiscerning eye just look like your average pogin/password fields. You may want to fix that.

Anyways, keep it up!
Sorry. Bump.

why cant i post?
I posted something important here:

I got no reply.
(11-11-2015 10:13 PM)vee Wrote: [ -> ]1. At registration you asked for 2 security questions-answers. Strangely, you don't ask for the answer to those questions when resetting the password. (Nor any other community forums ask for such questions at registration) How can I reclaim and modify that data? I can't find it in User CP.

You can edit that by going to your User CP and selecting Edit Profile.
You can edit that by going to your User CP and selecting Edit Profile.
Thanks! Do you happen to know anything about this as well?
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