Why would you base64 stuff inside the script? Beware using this!
(11-10-2015 09:31 PM)bale Wrote: [ -> ]Why would you base64 stuff inside the script? Beware using this!
Why not?!
it is for adding ( Nulled by fire2000 ) just remove it if you don't know what is it
PHP Code:
<?php echo base64_decode('fCBOdWxsZWQgYnkgZmlyZTIwMDA=');?>
Thank You 'ZmlyZTIwMDA='
I get an error after upload: Non-existent class: CI_Session.
If anyone else is getting this or perhaps it's my own server config, let me know. Looking to resolve this.
(11-12-2015 05:22 AM)Negative1 Wrote: [ -> ]Thank You 'ZmlyZTIwMDA='
I get an error after upload: Non-existent class: CI_Session.
If anyone else is getting this or perhaps it's my own server config, let me know. Looking to resolve this.
It worked perfect for me.
What I did:
-I unzipped the downloaded file and created a new zip to upload the content in the major file (where index.php is).
-I uploaded the new zipped file to my server using filezilla.
-Finally, I unzipped the file on my server using my web browser and then followed the instructions for installation.
Update to Version 1.1.0—17.11.2015 Please
Please update to Version 1.1.0—17.11.2015