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[Image: Interspire%2BShopping%2BCart%2BUltimate%...Nulled.jpg]

The 5.5 release was built over a 4 month period based exclusively on the ideas voted for by clients on our ideas lab. This release takes merchandising to the extreme and puts powerful marketing tools such as advanced photo display, Google Website Optimizer and video support into the hands of even the most non-technical store owners. This is a must-have release for anyone serious about selling online.
Store Design
*60+ professional store designs
*Template comparison (diff) tool
Search Engine Optimization
*Set page title and META details per page
*XML sitemap for Google Webmaster Tools
*Custom product image alt text
Products and Merchandising
*Embed videos in product description
*Per-product YouTube video gallery
Variations and Product Options
*Filter options for quick updating New!
*Bulk update option values per product New!
*Paging when editing product options
Images and Photos
*Upload an unlimited number of photos
*Automatically generated photo galleries
*Photo thumbnails on product pages
*SuperZoomTM instant photo zooming
*Per-image alt text and description for SEO
*Share photos between products
Google Website Optimizer
*Improve conversion rates without guessing
*Six storewide GWO tests to run
*Test on-page, per-product changes
*Test on-page, per-category changes
*Test on-page, per-web page changes
*Run multiple test at once
*More GWO tests than all competitors
Release Notes :
#Includes all themes for this version
#Supports Vendor and Ultimate versions – just change the $GLOBALS[‘vendor’] variable in admin/includes/Whitelabel.php.
#On the settings page it asks for a license key, give it anything – it won’t be checked
Known Issues :
If you installed with the demo products option checked add this line in your .htaccess : “RewriteBase /” (Without quotes).

Is this from 1979 ?
yes. i think so and still good for newbie

(11-09-2015 06:32 PM)scorpiolazy Wrote: [ -> ]Is this from 1979 ?
5.5.4? Haha. S#!t man. I have a working copy of 6.1.9.

I would like to get a working copy of the last rendition of Solecart, before he gave up due to no-one buying his rebranded version and ISC changing to a subscription service. But, he did some good work on it and perfected the final release with some good stuff. Anyhow...

If anyone managed to get a copy of it, it would be nice to have.
bump latest version please
can you share me copy 6.1.9?

Thank you!

(11-10-2015 05:50 AM)Xecution Wrote: [ -> ]5.5.4? Haha. S#!t man. I have a working copy of 6.1.9.

I would like to get a working copy of the last rendition of Solecart, before he gave up due to no-one buying his rebranded version and ISC changing to a subscription service. But, he did some good work on it and perfected the final release with some good stuff. Anyhow...

If anyone managed to get a copy of it, it would be nice to have.
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