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Full Version: [REQ] WHO CAN FIND THIS SCRIPT ???!!!
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the site is :
please find this :) Thanks
Looking at the source, this is a meteor project. So, 99,9% this is custom-made. If you are a coder, you can go to meteor dot com and read about it.
problem is the lang.
anyone has find the name of script??
this is a html css template if you nedd like this with 0.2bitcoin contact me
(11-10-2015 02:47 AM)mcyassin Wrote: [ -> ]this is a html css template if you nedd like this with 0.2bitcoin contact me

Do you think that im Level 1 madslapHitface
(11-08-2015 10:39 AM)xiaofang Wrote: [ -> ]problem is the lang.
Language is Albanian - Shqip
(11-08-2015 10:39 AM)aallaabbaammaa Wrote: [ -> ]Looking at the source, this is a meteor project. So, 99,9% this is custom-made. If you are a coder, you can go to meteor dot com and read about it.

i will find it :)
100% is a meteor project
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