11-06-2015, 01:58 PM
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LinkedIn: The Ultimate LinkedIn Guide (LinkedIn Marketing- LinkedIn for Business- LinkedIn Secrets- LinkedIn for Beginners) Kindle Edition
written by Neo Monefa
Publication Date: September 23, 2015
Use The Power of LinkedIn To Bag Your Dream Job
LinkedIn is now the mainstream for those looking to attract the attention of human resource recruiters for major companies and thousands of other types of employers. Learning the best and most powerful hacks to make your profile awesome is going to get you the recognition you deserve.
Even if you are already a member of LinkedIn this book is going to give you hacks that you probably didn’t think about when you set up your profile. Your profile is your advertisement and what you should be advertising is what a great asset you would be to any company.
The job market is tough and recruiters, as well as hiring managers can afford to be selective. Having a mediocre resume doesn’t move you to the top of the list if you go into a business to apply in person and having a mediocre profile on LinkedIn isn’t going to make you stand out either.
This Book Will teach You:
Basic functions and use of Linkedin
Benefits of Linkedin
What words to use and what to avoid in your LinkedIn profile
Getting people to look at your LinkedIn profile by answering questions
Creating catchy headlines for your LinkedIn profile
Branding yourself with LinkedIn
And Much Much More!
Why You Should Buy This Book
LinkedIn is dominating the world of business-based networking, yet many of its users don’t know how to make the most of it, while others are hesitant to join yet another social network. Whether you’re a job seeker, an employer in search of new talent, or a business looking to boost your visibility, make LinkedIn your social network of choice, this book your guide.
How many times have you heard someone say, "it’s not what you know, it’s who you know"?
We all know the importance of relationships in creating and growing a business, and yet most of us don’t know exactly what to do about it. We go to networking events, meet associates for coffee, or maybe even email prospective clients, but it’s never quite enough.
The challenge that faces us, and the problem with these activities, is that they don’t scale. The number of people you need to need to meet in order to advance your business, build your influence, and fill the top of your sales funnel is simply too many to handle.
This book contains the solution.
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