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Full Version: CPA Starter Advise Wanted
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I am tired of trying to create products to give away and build a buyer's list and all that stuff.

For the longest time I have wanted to get into CPA marketing but lacked funds to buy advertisings and tools, etc.

Finally, I got myself a part time job and started working yesterday. It will be a while until I have the money to get CPVlab and get the hosting for it and all that. It looks like it will be about two months at the most until I have enough money to pay for ads.

So to begin, as I wait for an adequate bankroll to build up, what can I do to be prepared for when I start paying for ads?

I have basic knowlege of HTML, CSS, and Wordpress setup.

Should I study sales copy techiniques for the meantime?

What do you think? Please let me know. Thank you! 66sun 26kiss
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