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re: AIO link per the OP -

AIO Mirror -!I5MnWCyK!JZHw06KcuWpSSha-FoUdpg
* If you're having troubles with the mirror just copy/paste the link in your browser (without the part)
Reps just added!
Many thanks, respect and REP given to NoGood and larryt50 for the AIO Mirror!!

This looks like a decent plugin for this purpose, even though I personally prefer IB2.
But for a quick squeeze page, this might be pretty sweet.

There was a similar plugin by Mark Dulisse, called WP Optin Pro (I believe) that looks better imho.
Don't know if we currently have a working version of that or not.

Anyway - thanks again for the share and mirror!!

Thank to all for contribute and shared in here..

Max Rep to all ya~
I copied and pasted and was advised File no longer accessible.
Any chance of getting another link?!I5MnWCyK!JZHw06KcuWpSSha-FoUdpg
Superb share No Good Thank you. Rep+++++
Thank you for this great share. Does anyone know if the PLR stuff is included in this share? The 3 oto pages were shown in the OP so I wasnt sure if that meant the OTO stuff was included in the downloads.

Thanks for your time.
Tested on a website.. It works flawlessly. It doesn't need to be nulled
Thank you for this share!!

I usually use Thrive Leads and it's been working wonderfully,
but I have to say that I had a problem with it this evening
when I was setting that plugin up on one of my client's websites.

I believe there was a plugin conflict and I just couldn't get the d*** thing
to show up anywhere on the site! It was driving me nuts...
until I remembered that I'd already downloaded this new plugin here!

So I quickly installed it, slapped in my html code, made the required tweaks,
and BAM!!

This works perfectly!

There are also some nice, surprising features integrated in this plugin.

Thanks again!

Thank you and Rep. added
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