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Full Version: [REQ] Niche Profit Full Control (by Adam Short)
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Module 7 was released today Monday 25th. I will try to download and upload during the week. Bear with me. Thanks
As always THANK YOU Ricardito!
Thank you in advance for your effort.
You are the man Ricardito!
Sorry friends but it has been a very busy week. I will do my best to have Module 7 uploaded this weekend. Promise!
At this moment, 10:00 PM Central time on Saturday 30th ,Module 7 is being uploaded to
Tomorrow I will upload to Mega.
Only Module 8 remains to be released (don't know when it will happen).
Enjoy !
@Ricardito. I want NPFC. (max reps given)

(11-24-2015 04:39 PM)Ricardito Wrote: [ -> ]OK friends, I offer you all I can give you from NPFC.
I will provide with all that is available. Be aware that the Modules are being released about every 15 days, so I don't have all the videos. Until now only 2 modules are available. I will provide you with all the videos in the Modules (as they are being posted), all the Resource Files we got until now and the Bonus: Goal Setting and Time Management. I am afraid I will not provide the Ready Made Niche Businesses for obvious reasons: we don't want hundreds using the same site pages that we are going to use. As for the Software, I wish I could share it but it's all web based and there is no way I can give you access to it.
I am including a video showing inside the Membership site so you will see all the sections and components.
As always, and in order to protect my account and the download files, I will start sending the PM to those interested with the download link(s) as soon as all the files are in place to download.
If you are interested, just reply this post with:
@Ricardito. I want NPFC.
Make sure you can receive PMs, that your box isn't full, or I won't be able to send you.
You can make mirrors if you want, but not post my links
@Ricardito: The module 6 on copy looks like locked content, and can't be downloaded. Could you please check? Thanks!
I sent you a PM. check
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