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Full Version: [GET] Complete Reflexology for Life
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Simple techniques for everyone: from birth to 90
Pressing reflex points on the feet and hands is ideal for encouraging health and overall well being. Find out how everyone in the family, from pregnant women to babies and seniors, can benefit from this gentle form of therapy.

Easy-to-follow step-by-step photos show you how treat all kinds of conditions, from asthma and allergies to high blood pressure and stress. Whether playfully squeezing the toes of tiny tots to help them relax, or helping to relieve arthritis, find the perfect treatment for all ages.

Pick up all the techniques you'll need from reflexology experts Barbara and Kevin Kunz, including how to fit it into a busy lifestyle. Have a go and discover the power of healing feet.

Hi Bro, thanks for sharing. Please note: "file does not exist anymore". Repped.
StillStanding, can you please reup this? Thanks! Reps added!
(04-08-2016 04:23 AM)samdman007 Wrote: [ -> ]Hi Bro, thanks for sharing. Please note: "file does not exist anymore". Repped.

new mirror:
[Image: 51g98VaQDRL._SX384_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg]

Bumping this thread with a fresh link:
Thank you Nancy for the fresh link! Max reps for you.
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