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Magic Button :
wht the Paypal Email Address ?
(11-01-2015 08:46 PM)karthik2112 Wrote: [ -> ]wht the Paypal Email Address ?

make any email and will open for you
Max rep added. Thanks
Anyone could make it works ?

Edited: with the direct links below I could make it works fine.
Thanks and rep's added.
Thanks OP for the Share,

here is the direct links :

Download Viral Video Cash Video Tutorials
(This Zipped file contains 4 Video Tutorials. If you find difficult to play these MP4 videos, try to open it using VLC Media Player, a free video player)


Viral Video Cash App Setup Details
(This Zip file contains a shortcut link to our App Setup page and ReadMe file)


Click Here to Setup VVC App in Your Browser

Nice share guys,Max Reps for both the OP And demomeb.
thanks and repped op. it works but for how long? what are the chances the owners will discover there are a bunch of pple (more than the sales) are using the app and possibly using up server resources and soon requiring a "registered" email to access the app? it sounds like its worth buying for just $7 for what it does before it goes up.
@blasterpro @demomeb Thanks!! +5Reps @asshian indeed buy it if you can use it in the projects ;-)
Thanks and Mirror AIO

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