11-01-2015, 02:32 AM
The Prayers and Contemplations of God's Gladiators
by Stuart Wilde in .pdf
From the spiritual point of view, the world we live in is neither the only existing world, nor it presents the most subtle level of existence. For that reason some scientists, artists, mystics and philosophers claim that the world we live in is illusory. One of their arguments is the fact that the matter only seems solid. When examined under a strong microscope, matter is shown to be made of atoms, consisting of the core and the electrons circling around it. The distance between electrons and core is large - we can imagine the core to be a speck of dust on the floor, and the first electron is as far as the speck of dust on the ceiling. There is a huge "empty space" between core and electrons - nowadays called "dark matter". We can therefore say that the atom structure is more hollow than solid. Their next argument pertains to the relationship between matter, energy and consciousness. Namely, the matter has a mass, and mass equals its energy. If mass is nothing more than energy, we can take it one step further and embrace the claim of modern science about the origin of energy - energy is, actually, consciousness. This means that consciousness predates both energy and matter and that it creates and moves matter.
Ergo, world is a product of consciousness, and as such is illusory, because if consciousness can create and recreate the materialworld, then matter cannot be either solid or real. This also means that the processes such as materialization or dematerialization, free movement through matter ("walking through walls") are potentially possible. Some people - not only Easterner mystics or Christian saints - claim to have had such an experience. Contemporary spiritual researcher Stuart Wilde, as described in his book "The prayers and Contemplations of God's Gladiators", claims that he has passed through the walls of his hotel room. In his opinion, it is the matter of stopping time - if we are able to silence the internal dialogue and diss-identify from the time as a process, the matter before us will simply disintegrate. Or, to put it differently, the matter will become fluid and transparent, thus making it possible to walk through walls. Space and time create the so called "space-time continuum" - thus if we influence our perception of time, we shall also influence our perception of space. And, since consciousness originally creates space and time, it is also able to dissolve them.
Here's a link the Stu's site, which does not appear to have been updated since he died. Check it out before it disappears;
by Stuart Wilde in .pdf
From the spiritual point of view, the world we live in is neither the only existing world, nor it presents the most subtle level of existence. For that reason some scientists, artists, mystics and philosophers claim that the world we live in is illusory. One of their arguments is the fact that the matter only seems solid. When examined under a strong microscope, matter is shown to be made of atoms, consisting of the core and the electrons circling around it. The distance between electrons and core is large - we can imagine the core to be a speck of dust on the floor, and the first electron is as far as the speck of dust on the ceiling. There is a huge "empty space" between core and electrons - nowadays called "dark matter". We can therefore say that the atom structure is more hollow than solid. Their next argument pertains to the relationship between matter, energy and consciousness. Namely, the matter has a mass, and mass equals its energy. If mass is nothing more than energy, we can take it one step further and embrace the claim of modern science about the origin of energy - energy is, actually, consciousness. This means that consciousness predates both energy and matter and that it creates and moves matter.
Ergo, world is a product of consciousness, and as such is illusory, because if consciousness can create and recreate the materialworld, then matter cannot be either solid or real. This also means that the processes such as materialization or dematerialization, free movement through matter ("walking through walls") are potentially possible. Some people - not only Easterner mystics or Christian saints - claim to have had such an experience. Contemporary spiritual researcher Stuart Wilde, as described in his book "The prayers and Contemplations of God's Gladiators", claims that he has passed through the walls of his hotel room. In his opinion, it is the matter of stopping time - if we are able to silence the internal dialogue and diss-identify from the time as a process, the matter before us will simply disintegrate. Or, to put it differently, the matter will become fluid and transparent, thus making it possible to walk through walls. Space and time create the so called "space-time continuum" - thus if we influence our perception of time, we shall also influence our perception of space. And, since consciousness originally creates space and time, it is also able to dissolve them.
Here's a link the Stu's site, which does not appear to have been updated since he died. Check it out before it disappears;