This plugin are compatible with wich version ? V3.0 ?
(10-31-2015 08:44 PM)el matadoor Wrote: [ -> ]This plugin are compatible with wich version ? V3.0 ?
Any version. But it not work because domain was locked
(11-01-2015 02:35 AM)chantroitudo Wrote: [ -> ] (10-31-2015 08:44 PM)el matadoor Wrote: [ -> ]This plugin are compatible with wich version ? V3.0 ?
Any version. But it not work because domain was locked
it is expensive to decode sourceguardien because there is no cracked or free tools available on the net
you have to pay 2$ or 3$ for each file
i have try to decode the clixscript before but it cost arrount 150$
(11-01-2015 04:33 AM)el matadoor Wrote: [ -> ] (11-01-2015 02:35 AM)chantroitudo Wrote: [ -> ] (10-31-2015 08:44 PM)el matadoor Wrote: [ -> ]This plugin are compatible with wich version ? V3.0 ?
Any version. But it not work because domain was locked
it is expensive to decode sourceguardien because there is no cracked or free tools available on the net
you have to pay 2$ or 3$ for each file
i have try to decode the clixscript before but it cost arrount 150$
i have clixscript none decoded
me too , LOL
but you can not run it exept if you decode and nuled it
wiche version you have ?
the clixscipt v3 ! the developer is a pakistani *****
yes , develloper from pakistan
(11-01-2015 07:15 PM)el matadoor Wrote: [ -> ]yes , develloper from pakistan
And it is the best ptc/gpt script. Anyone please decode it
if you are interested to decode the whole script and addons , we can contibute to decode it
there is a several commercial website to decode it