Long story short, I have over 2 000 000 page views per month and around 200 000 unique.
I need someone with a working website to JV.around 80-82% of the traffic is from USA and Canada, Australia and United Kingdom make up the Top 4.
shoot me pm for more details.
Best Regards!
why not just use the adult traffic to redirect to cpa offers?
If thats not the case, why not just create yourself a website using a video script??

from what you say you already have a website, but if you need another to send traffic we can JV, and split the profits
I have a client looking for adult traffic. I can suggest your website. Please see your PM.
Most of my traffic is looking for Anal so an Anal related website will be best.
(10-27-2015 12:56 PM)indigenius Wrote: [ -> ]why not just use the adult traffic to redirect to cpa offers?
If thats not the case, why not just create yourself a website using a video script??

I need someone with a website to direct this traffic there, as I have social traffic on reddit/tumblr/G+ I am speaking of a LOT of traffic.
Do you sell it? Or only want to split profits? I do adult, so i am interested in your traffic. PM me more details, please.
we sell dating products for men… if you think that would be a good fit, PM me.
Can you PM me? I am interested it.
I am Interested...PM me..I have an adult site....