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Full Version: [REQ] Simple Arbitrage Profits -Turn $10 Into $100
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bumping this one
I found this on my travels... its the checklist. Don't get too excited about this WSO.
Just read the .pdf. Thanks @Spindle - you've saved me a lot of time. Living in Kenya, this would never work - and probably difficult if you are outside of US as it relies on Craigslist...
+Reps added...
"There is big difference between just Checklist and Real Main Guide with Other Bonuses, which complete this good Product''
Already got Checklist pdf, Not Main Guide (even Sales page too gives Some out that) which is simply one of Bonus to tell us How things should be priortised.

This never rely solely on Craigslist, Client getting and other Arbitrage methods are inside 'Main Guide' only. Dont turn it down just on basis of ill information
But Main Guide and Other Bonuses point out How to find Profitable Products/Niches, How to Source those cheap and impotantly about Arbitrage , which is about getting Products cheap , Selling High, Finding Clients, about Packing/Shipping

That said..It seems different, decent course and doable too
Here you are ;)
Please add REP


Thanks ivcho2000 for the share
Max Reps added.
Thanks and Reps ivcho2000 fo this share

Can you also share Other Bonuses too like BONUS #4 - Secret Weapon to get Buyers and BONUS #3 - Video Training too?
Thanks great shareSmileSmile
OTO with case studies? somebody has it?
Thanks ivcho2000 for the links and repped you. As for the course, this is for someone who is a beginner in this area. If you have done any thrifting and flipping on either Amazon or Ebay, there is nothing new here, and is in my opinion really very basic about the automation and missing most of the true picture of what automates the physical inventory business in secondary goods. It's a good overview of what a beginner can do to start making some cash fairly quickly and easily, that is if you have access to thrift stores or flea markets and don't mind the labor of prepping used goods for resale. It's a hard business to scale without employees or some type of prep and fulfillment service. It does make money though, I've done this type of thing for years.
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