OP updated to version 2.5.9
Update only instruction:
There are only 3 files to update if you have already installed v2.5.8:
additionally in the new package there is an older US language file. I think by mistake:
Hi, where is password for download???
(12-27-2015 12:15 AM)moonrace Wrote: [ -> ]Hi, where is password for download???
Welcome to the forum.
The domain name is the usual password as you can find it on the top of any threads of this topic (Freebies/Design and Templates and Themes) as a password notice.
Anyone it's interested to form a buying group for the lifetime Acces?
thanks for the great share max reps added
OP updated to version 2.6.1
There aren't any update only instructions this time because many changes since v2.5.9. Let me still recommend to use a child theme if you heavily modify the parent.
Sorry for the late update, I will try to be faster next time.
+Rep added