10-21-2015, 03:47 AM
Bronx – Responsive WooCommerce Theme
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Bronx – Overview
One – Click installation and setup
Child Theme Included
WordPress 4.3+ Ready
WooCommerce 2.4+ Ready
WPML Ready with language switcher (.po files included)
WooCommerce Multilingual Ready with price switcher
Drag and Drop elements
PSD files and assets included
SCSS files included!
SEO Optimized, Great SEO base already built-in (compatible with SEO Plugins like Yoast)
Build every layout you can think of using Visual Composer
600+ Google Fonts
Post Formats Support – Image, Gallery, Video, Standard
Strong focus on typography, usability and overall user-experience
Super-Enhanced Performance For Viewers
Compatible with Many Popular E-Commerce Plugins
Unlimited Color Options
RTL Ready for languages like Hebrew and Arabic
Ability customize every aspect of the theme
5 Star Support
Whenever you have an issue with our theme or WordPress in general, we are here to assist you. Post a comment or open a ticket here.
UPDATE 1.2.2 – 07.10.2015
Updated Language Files Updated Plugins Latest WooCommerce compatibility
RTL fixes Misc fixes
Changed files:
- assets/css/app.css
- (deleted) assets/css/magnific-popup.css
- assets/js/app.min.js
- assets/js/vendor.min.js
- assets/js/plugins/app.js
- (deleted) assets/js/vendor/favico-0.3.9.min.js
- assets/sass/_forms.scss
- assets/sass/_shop.scss
- inc/languages/en_US.mo
- inc/languages/en_US.po
- inc/misc.php
- inc/ot-themeoptions.php
- inc/plugins/js_composer.zip
- inc/selection.php
- (deleted) inc/widgets.php
- inc/woocommerce.php
- style.css
- woocommerce/checkout/form-pay.php
- woocommerce/checkout/payment.php
- woocommerce/product-searchform.php
- wpml-config.xml
UPDATE 1.2.1 – 22.09.2015
Lost Password page styling More RTL fixes Misc fixes
Changed files:
- assets/css/app.css
- assets/sass/_carousel.scss
- assets/sass/_header.scss
- assets/sass/_mobilemenu.scss
- assets/sass/_shop.scss
- assets/sass/_sidebar.scss
- assets/sass/_sidecart.scss
- assets/sass/_singleproduct.scss
- footer.php
- inc/header/subheader.php
- inc/misc.php
- inc/plugins/js_composer.zip
- inc/woocommerce.php
- inc/wpml.php
- style.css
- vc_templates/thb_product_list.php
- woocommerce/myaccount/form-lost-password.php
- woocommerce/single-product/add-to-cart/simple.php
UPDATE 1.2.0 – 08.09.2015
RTL Improvements Latest VC support WC Vendors support Ajax Product Search support Misc Fixes
Changed files:
- assets/css/app.css
- assets/js/app.min.js
- assets/js/plugins/app.js
- assets/sass/_carousel.scss
- assets/sass/_comments.scss
- assets/sass/_header.scss
- assets/sass/_mfp.scss
- assets/sass/_plugins.scss
- assets/sass/_shop.scss
- assets/sass/_shortcodes.scss
- assets/sass/_singleproduct.scss
- assets/sass/_subheader.scss
- assets/sass/_wpspecific.scss
- functions.php
- inc/header/subheader.php
- inc/misc.php
- inc/plugins.php
- inc/plugins/js_composer.zip
- inc/script-calls.php
- inc/selection.php
- inc/visualcomposer-extend.php
- inc/woocommerce-category-image.php
- style.css
- vc_templates/thb_button.php
- vc_templates/thb_header.php
- vc_templates/thb_instagram.php
- vc_templates/thb_postgrid.php
- vc_templates/thb_product.php
- vc_templates/thb_product_list.php
- vc_templates/thb_slider.php
- vc_templates/vc_column.php
- wc-vendors/front/vendor-main-header.php
- woocommerce/loop/loop-start.php
- woocommerce/myaccount/form-login.php
- woocommerce/wishlist-view.php
- woocommerce/yith-woocommerce-ajax-search.php
DOWNLOAD THIS THEME ON >>>[[[Reported by Members as self-promotion!!!]]]<<<
]]<<</#/view/file/dii2vxqhgkkjcfh09oap/Bronx%20-%20Responsive%20WooCommerce%20Theme%201.2.2]CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD FILE!!
\\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\
Bronx – Overview
One – Click installation and setup
Child Theme Included
WordPress 4.3+ Ready
WooCommerce 2.4+ Ready
WPML Ready with language switcher (.po files included)
WooCommerce Multilingual Ready with price switcher
Drag and Drop elements
PSD files and assets included
SCSS files included!
SEO Optimized, Great SEO base already built-in (compatible with SEO Plugins like Yoast)
Build every layout you can think of using Visual Composer
600+ Google Fonts
Post Formats Support – Image, Gallery, Video, Standard
Strong focus on typography, usability and overall user-experience
Super-Enhanced Performance For Viewers
Compatible with Many Popular E-Commerce Plugins
Unlimited Color Options
RTL Ready for languages like Hebrew and Arabic
Ability customize every aspect of the theme
5 Star Support
Whenever you have an issue with our theme or WordPress in general, we are here to assist you. Post a comment or open a ticket here.
UPDATE 1.2.2 – 07.10.2015
Updated Language Files Updated Plugins Latest WooCommerce compatibility
RTL fixes Misc fixes
Changed files:
- assets/css/app.css
- (deleted) assets/css/magnific-popup.css
- assets/js/app.min.js
- assets/js/vendor.min.js
- assets/js/plugins/app.js
- (deleted) assets/js/vendor/favico-0.3.9.min.js
- assets/sass/_forms.scss
- assets/sass/_shop.scss
- inc/languages/en_US.mo
- inc/languages/en_US.po
- inc/misc.php
- inc/ot-themeoptions.php
- inc/plugins/js_composer.zip
- inc/selection.php
- (deleted) inc/widgets.php
- inc/woocommerce.php
- style.css
- woocommerce/checkout/form-pay.php
- woocommerce/checkout/payment.php
- woocommerce/product-searchform.php
- wpml-config.xml
UPDATE 1.2.1 – 22.09.2015
Lost Password page styling More RTL fixes Misc fixes
Changed files:
- assets/css/app.css
- assets/sass/_carousel.scss
- assets/sass/_header.scss
- assets/sass/_mobilemenu.scss
- assets/sass/_shop.scss
- assets/sass/_sidebar.scss
- assets/sass/_sidecart.scss
- assets/sass/_singleproduct.scss
- footer.php
- inc/header/subheader.php
- inc/misc.php
- inc/plugins/js_composer.zip
- inc/woocommerce.php
- inc/wpml.php
- style.css
- vc_templates/thb_product_list.php
- woocommerce/myaccount/form-lost-password.php
- woocommerce/single-product/add-to-cart/simple.php
UPDATE 1.2.0 – 08.09.2015
RTL Improvements Latest VC support WC Vendors support Ajax Product Search support Misc Fixes
Changed files:
- assets/css/app.css
- assets/js/app.min.js
- assets/js/plugins/app.js
- assets/sass/_carousel.scss
- assets/sass/_comments.scss
- assets/sass/_header.scss
- assets/sass/_mfp.scss
- assets/sass/_plugins.scss
- assets/sass/_shop.scss
- assets/sass/_shortcodes.scss
- assets/sass/_singleproduct.scss
- assets/sass/_subheader.scss
- assets/sass/_wpspecific.scss
- functions.php
- inc/header/subheader.php
- inc/misc.php
- inc/plugins.php
- inc/plugins/js_composer.zip
- inc/script-calls.php
- inc/selection.php
- inc/visualcomposer-extend.php
- inc/woocommerce-category-image.php
- style.css
- vc_templates/thb_button.php
- vc_templates/thb_header.php
- vc_templates/thb_instagram.php
- vc_templates/thb_postgrid.php
- vc_templates/thb_product.php
- vc_templates/thb_product_list.php
- vc_templates/thb_slider.php
- vc_templates/vc_column.php
- wc-vendors/front/vendor-main-header.php
- woocommerce/loop/loop-start.php
- woocommerce/myaccount/form-login.php
- woocommerce/wishlist-view.php
- woocommerce/yith-woocommerce-ajax-search.php
DOWNLOAD THIS THEME ON >>>[[[Reported by Members as self-promotion!!!]]]<<<
]]<<</#/view/file/dii2vxqhgkkjcfh09oap/Bronx%20-%20Responsive%20WooCommerce%20Theme%201.2.2]CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD FILE!!