Flex Mag is the perfect combination of power and simplicity in a WordPress News and Magazine theme. Flex Mag does not require any coding knowledge and gives you the options and flexibility to put together the ultimate news site, but in a simple, straightforward way that doesn’t overwhelm you. Flex Mag comes with a custom Fly-Out Navigation, custom scoreboard, auto-load posts, 4 different pre-set skins, 9 different Featured Posts options, 8 different article templates, 700+ Google Fonts, and so much more!
Without advertising and pop-ups!!!
Was looking for v 1.04 Thanks for sharing. Btw you purchased it or found it somewhere?
Without advertising and pop-ups!!!"
Seriously??? As soon as I open the page there was onclick ads and popups.
<!-- PopAds.net Popunder Code for webget.club -->
<script type="text/javascript">
var _pop = _pop || [];
_pop.push(['siteId', 905881]);
_pop.push(['minBid', 0.000000]);
_pop.push(['popundersPerIP', 0]);
_pop.push(['delayBetween', 0]);
_pop.push(['default', false]);
_pop.push(['defaultPerDay', 0]);
_pop.push(['topmostLayer', false]);
(function() {
var pa = document.createElement('script'); pa.type = 'text/javascript'; pa.async = true;
var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
pa.src = '//c1.popads.net/pop.js';
pa.onerror = function() {
var sa = document.createElement('script'); sa.type = 'text/javascript'; sa.async = true;
sa.src = '//c2.popads.net/pop.js';
s.parentNode.insertBefore(sa, s);
s.parentNode.insertBefore(pa, s);
<!-- PopAds.net Popunder Code End -->
I can only imagine what's probably in the folder...