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Full Version: Freebie Alert: 6 months of Todoist Premium
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Want to know the difference between the brilliant and the mediocre?

Brilliant people are proactive.

They have a vision of what they want
They create a plan
They execute
Everyone else? Well, they don't.

AppSumo wants you to be in the former camp. For us that starts with having the right tools.

For me, as well as 5,000,000+ other people, that tool is Todoist.

Todoist is simply the cleanest productivity app out there, and we got you six months of their premium plan 100% free!

Get Free Months from Here -
Great Freebie!
Used Much todoist before, but swiched to Trello
Maybe i start using Todoist again haha :)

Thank you really much for sharing! REPS added :)
Thanks. Don't forget to add reps
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