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Full Version: [DIS] - $1 - Discover How Obamacare Works
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The enrollment period for 2016 opens in less than 3 weeks to get Health Insurance!

Find out:
What Obamacare is
What you need to know [b]before you enroll[/b]
What the [b]penalties[/b] are for not having health insurance
What the [b]exemptions[/b] are
What is happening to the [b]Co-Ops[/b]
Why [b]premiums are INCREASING[/b] for 2016
Learn [b]alternatives to traditional health insurance[/b] and MUCH MORE

Get [b]INSIDE INFORMATION[/b] that you won't hear ANYWHERE ELSE!!

[b]Limited time offer!! Don't delay!! Offer ends on October 17, 2015!![/b]
How about first?
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