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Good Morning, your BSO entitled: "Local citation services – taking your local business to the next level" was live now.
Make sure it is your own product or you have rights from the developer to sell it,
if not, then this BSO can be grounds for shutdown.
Congrats and good luck on your sales thread.
We are so happy on your success. Keep it up!
(10-14-2015 11:53 PM)lala Wrote: [ -> ]Good Morning, your BSO entitled: "Local citation services – taking your local business to the next level" was live now.
Make sure it is your own product or you have rights from the developer to sell it,
if not, then this BSO can be grounds for shutdown.
Congrats and good luck on your sales thread.
We are so happy on your success. Keep it up!
Thanks for approving my thread
Do you use different ip address for all citations? Do you have a Google Maps service as well?
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