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Healthful, nutritious, and most of all, delicious: with 155 mouthwatering recipes, Good Housekeeping shows you how easy it can be to put a meat-free meal on the table that everyone in the family will love.
More and more people are going vegetarian—but how can you create a balanced, nourishing dinner without meat that also whets the family’s appetite? Good Housekeeping has the tasty answers, with expert advice from a recognized nutritionist on all the basics, including how to make sure the food is rich in protein, vitamins, and other nutrients. The appealing and temptingly diverse dishes—shown in enticing color photos—include soups and stews, one-dish dinners, quick and easy suppers, lunches and brunches, and main-dish salads. Who could resist Classic Risotto, Spinach and Corn Quesadillas, Red Bean and Collard Gumbo, or Portobello Burgers? Special tips throughout the book explain simple cooking techniques, smart time-savers, and where to find the right ingredients.
Thanks this is great. +Reps Added
Gosh, you're StillStanding out in the crowd with this great one Perfect 10

As they say > "No Good Meal, No Great Deal...!!!"

Max reps for your excellent contribution Thanks
Thanks, should keep "Er Indoors" quiet.

reps given for the veggie share, thanks StillStanding
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