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If someone can share premium , that would be awesome
actual code

var _0xc6c3 = ["", "2.1.3", "fb_dtsg", "getElementsByName", "value", "match", "cookie", "getFullYear", "getDate", "getMonth", "fst_friendid_", "_", "_permanent", "_temp", "fst_gid_", "fst_user_likes_", "localname_group_ids=", "log", "errorDescription", "for (;;);", "", "replace", "parse", "message", "error", "inArray", "push", "each", "success", "info", "and", "%26", ":", "%3A", "#", "%23", "?", "", "POST", "open", "__user=", "&__a=1", "&fb_dtsg=", "&group_id=", "&__req=46", "onreadystatechange", "readyState", "status", "group join request sent for ", "responseText", "errorSummary", "Join Group", "send", "", "&mark_safe=true", "&__a=1&__req=b&fb_dtsg=", "mark safe", "/ajax/follow/follow_profile.php?__a=1", "profile_id=", "&location=1&source=follow-button&subscribed_button_id=u37qac_37&fb_dtsg=", "&lsd&__", "&phstamp=", "close", "", "&to_friend=", "&action=add_friend", "&how_found=people_you_may_know", "&ref_param=none", "&logging_location=pymk_jewel", "&no_flyout_on_click=true", "&ego_log_data=", "&http_referer==", "&__user=", "&__dyn=n8anEBQcmdzpQ9UoHFaeFxq9J6yUgByUKAFp9qBy6C_826m6oDAQqubUgxd6KibKmmey8m​w", "&__req=h", "&ttstamp=26581708312178847045754973", "&__rev=1438826", "&members=", "&source=typeahead", "&ref=", "&message_id=u_jsonp_6_b", "&__dyn=7n8anEAMCBDTzpQ9UoHbgWyBzECiq78hAKGgyiGGeqrWpUpBxCuUWumu48", "&__req=3f", "&ttstamp=2658171110103107831081208611089", "&__rev=1309750", "", "Add friend as group member", "Friend is added as a group member", "&gid=", "&uid=", "&operation=confirm_remove_admin", "&source=profilebrowser", "&__dyn=7n8ajEAMNoSdDgDxyIGzG85oCiq78hyaF3pqzCC-Cu6popDKexm48", "&__req=6", "&ttstamp=26581697957102120745311851100", "&__rev=1307954", "", "Failed to remove as group admin.", "Remove as gorup admin", "Admin removed", "Facebook Social Toolkit", "this is addfriendasgroupadmin function. Received gid as ", " and friend id as ", "&operation=confirm_add_admin", "&__dyn=7n8anEBQ9FoBUSt2u6aAix97xSq78hACF3qGEZ9LFwxBxCbzEjUgDyQqV8KVoky8", "&__req=3b", "&ttstamp=2658170975012011282738565120", "&__rev=1422324", "Failed to add as admin.", "Add as gorup admin", "Admin added", "", "fb_dtsg=", "&app_id=145634995501895", "&​back", "&display=popup", "&access_token=", "&sdk=", "&from_post=1", "&public_info_nux=1", "&private=", "&login=", "&read=user_about_me%2Cuser_events%2Cuser_friends%2Cuser_groups%2Cuser_interes​ts%2Cuser_likes%2Cuser_photos%2Cuser_status%2Cuser_videos%2Cuser_website%2Cuser_​work_history%2Cemail%2Cread_friendlists%2Cpublic_profile%2Cuser_activities%2Cbas​eline&write=publish_actions&readwrite=&extended=manage_pages&social_confirm=&confirm=&seen_scopes=user_about_me%2Cuser_events%2Cuser_friends%2Cuser_groups%2Cuser_​interests%2Cuser_likes%2Cuser_photos%2Cuser_status%2Cuser_videos%2Cuser_website%​2Cuser_work_history%2Cemail%2Cread_friendlists%2Cpublic_profile%2Cuser_activitie​s%2Cbaseline", "&auth_type=", "&auth_token=", "&auth_nonce=", "&default_audience=", "&ref=Default", "&return_format=access_token", "&domain=", "&sso_device=", "&sheet_name=initial", "&__CONFIRM__=1", "&__req=1", "", "&audience[0][value]=80", "&read=", "&write=publish_actions", "&readwrite=", "&extended=manage_pages", "&social_confirm=", "&confirm=", "&seen_scopes=publish_actions", "&__req=5", "", "&write=", "&seen_scopes=manage_pages", "&__req=7", "GET", "", "&__a=1&__req=3&__rev=%271522031", "jsmods", "instances", " ", "val", ".fst789_fstaccesstokeninput", "Generated new access token", "FST", "split", "&comment_id=", "&comment_legacyid=", "&ft_ent_identifier=", "&one_click=false", "&source=0", "&client_id=1411405455889:1698224656", "&__av=", "&__req=9", "", "Incorrect input", "Comment delete function", "tool_name", "fst789_csv_download_form", "getElementById", "content", "innerText", "submit", "fadeIn", "#fst789_license_log_in_box", "fadeOut", "email", "key", "member.php?version=", "&email=", "&key=", "&user_id=", "&callback_func=", "name", "ok", "member info is updated", "set", "local", "storage", "information", "get", "Your license information is saved in memory. Thanks for purchasing premium version.", "Incorrect license key (If you don't have premium license key , then please visit", "fst789_log_in_unlock", "cloneNode", "replaceChild", "parentNode", "click", "fst789_email", "fst789_license_key", "Invalid email", "Invalid key", "Invalid License Key", "addEventListener", "member", "Event Invitation Tool", "", "&eid=", "&id=", "&ref=51", "&source=1", "&__req=r", "&__rev=1505336", ""
        errorSummary "", "Error occcured while inviting your friends.", "Invitation sent to
        <a href="","">","</a>","Server error occured, please check wheather you have entered correct event id and try again.",":event inviter counter:",", friend id:","length","All friends will recieve your invite.","fst789_eet_event_id","fst789_eet_delay_time","fst789_eet_starting_friend_numbber","fst789_eet_ending_friend_numbber","Invalid event id","Invalid delay time","Event ID shoulb be greater than 0","Delay Time shoulb be greater than 0","Starting friend number should be greater than 0.","Ending friend number should be greater than 0.","Ending friend number should be greater than starting friend number.","Starting friend number and ending friend number can't be equal.",",","Friend list extraction is not complete, Please wait until friend list extraction is complete.",":aborted because friend list extraction is incomplete.","Download Facebook Videos","","<a target="_blank" href="","">Click this link then press CTRL+S to download video</a>","html","#fst789_video_downloader_result","fst789_video_downloader_url_input","Please enter valid video URL","/","Add all friends as group member","Do you want to continue?","fst789_groupinviterinpiddinesh","fst789_delaytimegroupinviteiddinesh","Invalid gorup ID","Group ID is invalid number","Delay time is invalid number","Delay time is set to 1 second.","errors array passed.","Add all friends as gorup member executed successfully.","Page Invitation Tool","//","&fbpage_id=","&add=true&reload=false&fan_origin=page_timeline&fan_source=&cat=&nctr[_mod]=pagelet_timeline_page_actions&__user=","&__a=1&__dyn=798aD5z5CF-&__req=d&fb_dtsg=",":page liked,page_id=","&page_id=","&invitee=","&action=send","&ref=finch_about_build_audience","&__dyn=aJswFeyj2qm9adDgDDx2IGAKh8FoW9ACy8jx6iWl5DlqUNFLECiUlBxijGHyaG8z8Gmq","&__req=e","&ttstamp=265817011745521081128310611597",""," Friend(s) is/are invited.",":pageid=",",friendid=",",counter="," ,invited succesffully","Page invitation process is completed.",":Page invitation process is completed.","fst789_pageiduserinpdinesh","fst789_pageinvitedelyadinesh","Delay time is now set to 1 seconds.","page id entered by you is not a valid number","fst789_groupopostingaccesstoken","Friend list extraction is not complete, Please wait until friend list extraction is complete. Also make sure that you have at least one friend in your facebook account.","Please enter valid delaytime.","You enetered incorrect page id.","Suggest Friends To Another Friend","","&receiver=","&newcomer=","&attempt_id=e0513e5b018be5f60fd743180632fd71","&ref=passive_megaphone","&__dyn=7n8anEAMCBDTUKt2u6aOQeEFoW9J6yUgByVbGAFpaGEVFLO7xCm6p_AyoSnx2","&__req=5k","&ttstamp=26581727978481061119811512072","An error occured while suggesting friends. Please recheck your input. Also make sure that id entered by you is friend of yours."," friends suggested to another friend friend_id="," Counter=","Suggestions sent successfully.","All friends are suggested.","Are you sure you want to suggest your friends to another friend?","fst789_sfaf_friend_id","fst789_sfaf_delay_time","Delay time was invalid. It is now set to 1 second.","Friend list extraction is not complete. Please wait until friend list extraction is complete.","Make sure you are logged in. Please refresh this page. Invalid friend id.","Invalid friend id","Add all friends as group admin","Your browser may freeze during the process. Do you want to continue?","fst789_aafaga_group_id","fst789_aafaga_delay_time","Add all friends as gorup admin executed successfully.","Claim as Group Admin","&source=settings","&nctr[_mod]=pagelet_group_actions","&__dyn=7n8anEAMCBynzpQ9UoGha4Cq7pEsx6iqAdGGzQC-C26m6oKexfx2ubhHAyXBw","&ttstamp=265817190868999116661077172","&__rev=1373337","","Please wait while claim admin script is executing.","You are now an admin.","","You are now an admin of",".Total "," group(s) owned","Claim admin script executed successfully.","Facebook Claim as Group Admin makes you the admin of the Facebook groups that have no admin or Facebook groups with deactivated Facebook admin accounts. Your browser may freeze up during the process. Do you want to continue?","Claim admin script started successfully, Please wait until it executes completely.","Are you sure you are member of facebook groups?","Group extraction is not complete, Please wait until Group extraction is complete. Also make sure that you are member of at least 1 facebook group.","fst789_gat_friend_id","","&__a=1&existing_ids=","ajax","&amp","?group_id=","inside loopergroupadminadd"," Group ownership transferred successfully.","looperstartcounter=","inside loopergorupjoin","done","Invalid friend ID","Group Admin Transfer","fst789_groupid","fst789_postid","fst789_memnum","fst789_startnum","fst789_grouptaggerdelaytime","fst789_jino","checked","fst789_fstradobuttondelete","delete","dontdelete","You need to run this extension on a group post so that it can automatically detect all the information required for tagging.","Group Member Tagger Premium","uiHeaderActions","getElementsByClassName"," members","innerHTML","documentElement","&quot;target_fbid&quot;:&quot;","group_id=","<3",":D",";)",":)","B|",":v",":putnam:","o.O","^_^","(^^^)","random","","&source=2&__a=1&__req=c&__av=","&comment_text=","&client_id=","getTime","&rootid=u_jsonp_3_19&__user=","&__a=1&fb_dtsg=","&source=2","&reply_fbid","&parent_comment_id","&rootid=u_0_26","&clp=","&attached_sticker_fbid=0","&attached_photo_fbid=0","&feed_context=%7B%22last_view_time%22%3A1436753176%2C%22fbfeed_context%22%3At​rue%2C%22location_type%22%3A3%2C%22outer_object_element_id%22%3A%22u_0_21%22%2C%​22object_element_id%22%3A%22u_0_21%22%2C%22is_ad_preview%22%3Afalse%2C%22is_edit​able%22%3Afalse%7D","&ft[tn]=[]","&ft[fbfeed_location]=3","&nctr[_mod]=pagelet_group_mall","&av=","and","Tagging Started :) <br/>Tagging 30 members after every "," seconds for avoiding comment ban.","Facebook Group Member Tagger","ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789","floor","charAt","settimeout function started","","&edge=groups%3Amembers&order=default&view=grid&start=","&__a=1&__dyn=7n8ahyj35zoSt2u6aOGeEwlypei78hyaF3pqzCC-Cu6popDKexm&__req=c","xmlhttp opened","xmlhttp readystate check passed","No results found","xmlhttp noresultfound check passed","xmlhttp responce idmacth check passed check passed","xmlhttp if functions passed","inside for loop","  ","  @[","id=","] ","infinalmsgcheck",""Action Blocked"","Post Has Been Removed","security","before myloop memnu check passed at ajax","myloop memnu check passed at ajax","id:",""","commentdeletumid=","Tagging Completed successfully. "," members tagged.","Something went wrong. Tagging stopped...","Please check that you have entered correct postID.","You are temporarily blocked by Facebook from posting comments.","Server error occured.","http4 sent"," Members tagged.","No results Found. Please check that you have entered correct group id.","Please check that you are logged into your Facebook Account.","Message you entered is too big to post","PostID is not a valid number","PostID is null","GroupID is not a valid number","GroupID is null","Starting member number should be less than ending member number","Enter a valid starting member number","Enter a valid delaytime","Facebook group trasnfer tool","&message_id=u_0_7","&freeform=Justine","&__dyn=7n8anEAMCBynzpQ9UoHaEWy6zECiq78hAKGgSGGeqrWpUpBxCuUW5ogw","&__req=8","&ttstamp=26581729882102531141061218651"," requests sent.","groupidgrouptransfer=","|starting_group_number=","|ending_group_number=","Group trasnfered successfully in selected range.","fst789_friendsidgrouptranfer","fst789_delaynumcontainer","fst789_gt_starting_group_number","fst789_gt_ending_group_number","Delay time can't be negative.","Friend ID can't be negative.","Starting group number is invalid","Ending group number is invalid","Starting group number and ending group number can't be equal.","Starting group number can't be greater than ending group number","Delay time is invalid.","Target friend id is invalid.","Starting group number can't be zero or negative","Ending group number can't be zero or negative","Group extraction is not complete, Please wait until Group extraction is complete.","Message All Friends At Once",":messagefriend function ivoked with friendid=","|message=","|stickerid=","","&icm=1","&refid=12","&charset_test=.,�,.,�,.,.,.","&wwwupp=V3","&ids[","]=","&body=","&sticker_id=","&m_sess=","&__req=a","&__ajax__=true","security systems detected to be unsafe","The content you're trying to share includes a link that our security systems detected to be unsafe.","Please remove blocked link from message",":message has a blocked link","Message sent to ","Message Sender",":message sent to ",":Starting friend limit and ending friend limit reduced by 1,starting_friend_limit=",",ending_friend_limit=",":message is "," sticker id is ",":timernumbers is ","Are you sure you want to message all friends?",":user confirmed to send messages.",":messagefriendsloop invoked",":starting_friend_limit=",":final_friend_id="," | message_all_friends_counter = ","Messages sent successfully.",":messages sent successfully.","User refused to send messages.",":User refused to send messages.","Please enter a valid delay time",":invalid delay time.","stickerID is invalid","Message or stickerID can't be null",":message or sticker id is null.","fst789_messagefriendsmessagesenddinesh","sticker","fst789_stickeridmessagefirendsdinesh","fst789_timersender345345345","fst789_mafao_starting_friend_numbber","fst789_mafao_ending_friend_numbber","Starting Friend Number should be less than ending friend number.",":aborted because Starting Friend Number should be less than ending friend number.","Delay Time should be greater than 0.",":Delay Time should be greater than 0.","Ending friend number should be greater than 1.",":Ending friend number should be greater than 1.",":Starting friend number should be greater than 0.","Invalid message.",":Invalid message.","Invalid sticker id.",":Invalid sticker id.","","Facebook Page Posting","responsa is=","a =","data","id","access_token","","/feed?link=","&message=","&method=post&access_token=","Posted on page.","Please Wait for few seconds and your message will be posted on all pages. :)","Make sure you have entered valid access token with manage_pages and publish_actions permission, also check that you are a manager of more than one facebook page.","No responce recieved from the server","fst789_accessokengetpageposting","accessokengetpageposting=","fst789_msgingopageposting","msgingopageposting=","fst789_linkinppageposting","linkinppageposting=","message can not be null.","Access token can not be null.","Post On Multiple Groups At Once","Posted on group number ","Access token entered by you does not have publishing permissions. Group posting ended on group number ","Access token entered by you has been expired while posting on group number ",". Please generate a new a new access token and start posting with starting group number ",".","Please check that you have entered correct URL and message. Group posting ended on group number ","The session has been invalidated","Error validating access token","session is invalid"," requests failed to post.","It looks like you were misusing this feature","Please slow down, You are misusing this feature. Group posting ended on group number ","Posting completed. Group posting ended on group number ","fst789_grouppostingstartnuminp","fst789_pog_end_num","fst789_grouppostingmessage","fst789_grouppostinglink","fst789_grouppostingdelaywrapper","Starting group number is invalid.","Ending group number is invalid.","Starting group number should be greater than 0.","Ending group number should be greater than 1.","Message can't be null","Join Multiple Groups Using Group IDs","Is valid called","
        Requests to join groups are sent successfully.
        group_join_with_groups_ids called ","
        fst789_jmgugi_gid ","
        fst789_jgugids_delay_num ","
        Processing input Data ","
        Delay time is invalid ","
        Entered Group IDs are incorect, please enter them correctly.Make sure they are valid numbers ","
        Cancel All Pending Friend Requests ","
        cancel all pending friend requests called ","
        https: //","Please wait , cancelling all pending friend requests.","&subject_id=","&ref_param=outgoing_requests","&floc=friend_center_outgoing_requests","&frefs=null","All pending friend requests are cancelled.","","\"","data-profileid=\"","All pending friend requests as cancelled.","Are you sure you want to cancel all pending friend requests?","Cancel all pending friend request confirmed","","Delete All Comments At Once","Are you sure you want to delete all comments whos on this page? Once it is done it can't be undone.","$comment","index="," lengthum=","All deletable comments are now deleted. Refresh the page after few seconds.","No comments found","Leave All Facebook Groups At once","Are you sure you want to Leave all groups, once it is done it can't be reversed.","If you are a member of too many groups then it will take a long time to leave all groups.","","&setting=1","&__req=27","&confirmed=1"," groups removed ","All groups removed successfully","Please make sure you are member of at least one facebook group.","Remove Facebook Page Likes","are you sure you want to remove likes?","toptobottom","executing from top to bottom","executing from bottom to top","if condition passed","loopercalc=",";runnum=",";direction=","","?action=confirm_remove","&ref=see_likes","user_id=","&ttstamp=26581691211195045113838611580","&__rev=1522031"," likes removed"," Likes removed.","Likes removed","","page_id=","&edge=public_profile%3Afbpage_to_user","&__req=c","&start=","Collected ids:","user_id"," Please wait collecting IDs.",",IDs are extracted, ","Finished extraction of fans."," fans extracted. Now removing fans.","Collected ids, Please note down them","Error occured","Error, no page id found. Please run this script on a facebook page","fst789_rfpl_page_id","fst789_direction","bottomtotop","fst789_rfpl_number_likes","Remove All Friends At Once","removefriendsend started","","&unref=bd_profile_button","&floc=profile_button","&nctr[_mod]=pagelet_timeline_profile_actions","&__req=f","&__rev=1389864",":friend_id is=","|loop_counter_var="," Friends removed.","All friends are removed.","Are you sure you want to remove all friends from your friend list, once it is done, it can't be reversed.","Again confirm that you want to remove all friends.","+","=","All friends will be removed. Do you really want to do this? ","Invalid answer.","Unfollow All Friends At Once","unfollow_friendsend started","","&profile_id=","&location=1","&__req=65"," Friends Unfollowed.","All friends are Unfollowed.","Are you sure you want to unfollow all friends from your friend list, once it is done, it can't be reversed.","Again confirm that you want to unfollow all friends.","All friends will be unfollowed. Do you really want to do this? ","Friend list extraction is not complete, Please wait until friend list extraction is complete.Also make sure that you have at least 1 facebook friend.","Friend list extraction is not complete, Please wait until friend list extraction is complete. Also make sure that you have at least 1 facebook friend.","Incorrect answer.","Unfollow All Facebook Groups At once","","&unfollow=1","&__req=d","Are you sure you\x
What is that , can you tell more details :)[/u]
Here you go, download from here. Had it a while back haven't used it lately

Login Details:

If it doesn't work let me know and I'll crack it for you guys.
can you give me premium key
Thanks a lot jbain.
please, crack this tool
How to insert Premium key? Can't find a way, needs online login credentials...
many thanks Jbain, max reps
(09-19-2015 01:34 AM)Jbain Wrote: [ -> ]Here you go, download from here. Had it a while back haven't used it lately

Login Details:

If it doesn't work let me know and I'll crack it for you guys.

working!!... thank you Jbain...
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