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Full Version: [GET][Purchased] Sabai Directory - Plugin for Wordpress [V1.3.44 – 23 AUG 17]
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Looks like a nice directory setup. Rep'd.
Again you are promoting your website in plain sight.
That's 100000000% forbiden here.
Who the f do you think you are, using this forum without checking the rules?

Glad to report you another time.

Ban, ban , ban

(05-13-2017 11:09 AM)diggbigg Wrote: [ -> ]got my rep, thanks

SPAM AGAIN and you will be BAN, consider this LAST WARNING! - Omni Potens
Updated to latest version. Link in the OP.
Thanks for the update @JustLevine. Very cool product. Rep'd.
Thanks a lot for sharing.

Did you purchase it after checking a lot of alternatives?
(06-07-2017 10:05 PM)Speratom Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks a lot for sharing.

Did you purchase it after checking a lot of alternatives?

I purchased it a few years ago after checking a lot of alternatives. Back then, it was IMO the best out-of-the-box directory plugin with the most bang-for-the-buck.

That being said, I've been eyeing GeoDirectory for a while now - its much more developer-friendly, although the addons you need to buy to get the same functionality as SabaiDirectory are too cost-prohibitive for me, and noone has yet to share it yet for me to try it out.

Now that the new version of SabaiDirectory supports CSV export, I might finally make the switch.
Uploaded to latest. Enjoy!
+++rep for this upload, Thank you so much
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