09-10-2015, 07:01 PM
sale: http://codecanyon.net/item/slider-revolu...in/2751380
demo: http://revolution.themepunch.com/
Version 5.2.5 StarPath (16th April 2016)
full package -> http://mir.cr/9XFGHUZW
nulled revslider + 4 plugins -> http://mir.cr/ZCY1GUHA
Added option to set the ID for the Slider which will also set dynamical added container ID's based on the preseted ID
Delay option added to the Jump To Slide Layer Action
Template Slider Packs now available
Toggle Content on Click event has been extended. Toggle Content without Actions and also on all actions can be added.
Added further improvements for the Slider Template Library download routine.
Fixed minHeight settings where entered suffix broke the Slider output.
Fixed duplication of ID on layers in frontend, caused by duplicating layers in Slide Editor
Version StarPath (08th April 2016)
full package -> http://mir.cr/O6YFK7RX
nulled revslider + 4 plugins -> http://mir.cr/WZC8BJUG
Changed HTML5 example URLs as the old ones are no longer available
Reminder on LayerAction added as solid warning in case Vimeo Video Controls are set to hidden
Calculation of Wave Loop Effect changed to respect the real X/Y Offsets
Vimeo Arguments no longer reset on a Vimeo Layer
Fixed a Bug where 2nd Time Focused Slider with previously played Video started again even if it was not visible currently
Fixed an issue with Hungarian Translation. Hungarian Translation is at 50% currently
Issue with HTML5 Video Next Slide at End on Mobile was skipping a slide after 2nd loop has been fixed.
Force Rewind available now for YouTube and Vimeo also on Mobile again
Shortocde Management on pages was not closing the Modal window in some cases. Added a Workaround which checks the last state of the Window in case the default GUI would not be able to close the window
Fixed the Start Angle Calculation of Wave Loop Effect
Keyboard Navigation could not be disabled if all other Navigation was disabled
Version 5.2.4 StarPath (01st April 2016)
DL - full package http://mir.cr/0OVPXE2R
DL - null plugin + premium only http://mir.cr/86F2DI79
French Translation added
Static Layer Container was written even if no Static Layers were exist. This blocked 3D Parallax Slides from Hovering/Clicking on Elements
Fixed an issue where layers were disappearing in Google Chrome and other browsers after revisiting the slide
Fixed an issue with IE11 not beeing able to handle audio layer in Slide Editor
Fixed a bug where duplicated layers could loose their hover settings
Fixed a bug with SVG Objects, where styling was only attached if the SVG Object was loading from cache
Version StarPath (18th March 2016)
Fixed output of 1 before the slider in rare cases
Fixed issue where layers would only show on hover
Version 5.2.3 StarPath (17th March 2016)
Improved google font loading by removing not needed multiple fonts
Fixed conflicts that could occur in combinations with different third party plugins
Fixed a Viusal Composer conflict
Fixed Next Slide At End Bug, Loop, and Loop but Keep Slide Progress Bug for Video Backgrounds
demo: http://revolution.themepunch.com/
Version 5.2.5 StarPath (16th April 2016)
full package -> http://mir.cr/9XFGHUZW
nulled revslider + 4 plugins -> http://mir.cr/ZCY1GUHA
Added option to set the ID for the Slider which will also set dynamical added container ID's based on the preseted ID
Delay option added to the Jump To Slide Layer Action
Template Slider Packs now available
Toggle Content on Click event has been extended. Toggle Content without Actions and also on all actions can be added.
Added further improvements for the Slider Template Library download routine.
Fixed minHeight settings where entered suffix broke the Slider output.
Fixed duplication of ID on layers in frontend, caused by duplicating layers in Slide Editor
Version StarPath (08th April 2016)
full package -> http://mir.cr/O6YFK7RX
nulled revslider + 4 plugins -> http://mir.cr/WZC8BJUG
Changed HTML5 example URLs as the old ones are no longer available
Reminder on LayerAction added as solid warning in case Vimeo Video Controls are set to hidden
Calculation of Wave Loop Effect changed to respect the real X/Y Offsets
Vimeo Arguments no longer reset on a Vimeo Layer
Fixed a Bug where 2nd Time Focused Slider with previously played Video started again even if it was not visible currently
Fixed an issue with Hungarian Translation. Hungarian Translation is at 50% currently
Issue with HTML5 Video Next Slide at End on Mobile was skipping a slide after 2nd loop has been fixed.
Force Rewind available now for YouTube and Vimeo also on Mobile again
Shortocde Management on pages was not closing the Modal window in some cases. Added a Workaround which checks the last state of the Window in case the default GUI would not be able to close the window
Fixed the Start Angle Calculation of Wave Loop Effect
Keyboard Navigation could not be disabled if all other Navigation was disabled
Version 5.2.4 StarPath (01st April 2016)
DL - full package http://mir.cr/0OVPXE2R
DL - null plugin + premium only http://mir.cr/86F2DI79
French Translation added
Static Layer Container was written even if no Static Layers were exist. This blocked 3D Parallax Slides from Hovering/Clicking on Elements
Fixed an issue where layers were disappearing in Google Chrome and other browsers after revisiting the slide
Fixed an issue with IE11 not beeing able to handle audio layer in Slide Editor
Fixed a bug where duplicated layers could loose their hover settings
Fixed a bug with SVG Objects, where styling was only attached if the SVG Object was loading from cache
Version StarPath (18th March 2016)
Fixed output of 1 before the slider in rare cases
Fixed issue where layers would only show on hover
Version 5.2.3 StarPath (17th March 2016)
Improved google font loading by removing not needed multiple fonts
Fixed conflicts that could occur in combinations with different third party plugins
Fixed a Viusal Composer conflict
Fixed Next Slide At End Bug, Loop, and Loop but Keep Slide Progress Bug for Video Backgrounds