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VideoShare – Video Sharing Platform (Most Advanced Video CMS) Documentation Preview:

You would like to upload videos from your computer to your own webspace? You would like to create your own video sharing service/platform? VideoShare is here!

VideoShare is a PHP Video CMS created to allow people and web developers to create and start(open) their own video sharing website. The CMS has high performance, responsive and flexible design and liteweight video uploader. Highly configurable with a contemporary design and native animation effects using CSS3, HTML5 and JavaScript. With VideoShare you will be able to create your own video sharing portal through which you can share your videos with other people and make money from advertising and affiliating.


For Guests (Without Registration):

Watch Videos
View Unique Video Details (views/watches, date added, uploader)
Share Videos through embed code or social networks
Search and browse videos by keywords and categories
Search and browse users
Visit Profiles (User Wall) – see user profile with option(button) to follow him/her and see him/her all uploaded vidoes and writed comments (with dates added)
Video Module “Most Popular” – site most popular videos (based on views/watches)
Video Module “Best Rated” – site best rated videos (based on likes)
Video Module “Random Videos – shows random website videos.
Sign in (Login Page) with Recover Password Option

Sign up (Register Page)

For Users (With Registration) +Guest’s features:

Upload Video From your PC/Tablet/Mobile Phone (Title, Description, Category, Thumbnail)
Real-Time Like and Unlike Module for each video
Share Videos through embed code or social networks
Quick “follow” button for the uploader for each video
Comments on videos (SPAM Protected)
“Follow/Unfollow” function (user or uploader)
Video Module “Recommended” – vidoes, recommended for me
Video Module “My Feed” – videos, uploaded by people which you are following (sorted by date/hour)
Video Module “My Videos” – all videos, uploaded from myself with options to edit or delete
PM Inbox with many features – mark as seen, delete, quick reply and other features…
Write PM (Private Message) – send PM to other site user
Settings – update my profile information and details like avatar image, cover photo, password and email address change
Log – List with my site actions (for example: Like Video, Comment on Video…)
Logout – Exit from the account/profile
For Administrators – Admin Panel:

Manage Site Videos (Edit/Delete)
Manage Site Users
Manage Video Categories (Edit/Delete)
Delete Comments
Many other features
Website Features:

Fully responsive design
Ready website mobile version
Seo Built-In
Brute-Force Security
SQL Injection Protection


Download Link:

+Reps are appreciated :)
Mirror Download Link’s of CodeCanyon NULLED_VideoShare_1.0_Video_Sharing_Platform
Resume Download Support,Direct Link,No Waiting Time
Nice Share
Simple and nice code
Rep + added 4u
Reference URL's