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[QUOTE=Joe Broon;10210749]Rave reviews...Warriors are making money with this....The Incredible Sales Letter Template ....for ANYBODY who hates cold calling and face to face selling

Great reviews! Great price!..... for a simple but effective marketing strategy that could earn you thousands!


Warrior ID: UMC said:
"I just wanted to say that I bought this against my better judgement as so many WSOs are total crap, and was pleasantly surprised. I love the letter, the pack, the whole thing....Congrats on sharing something that I can't find anywhere for free. It is actual unique value instead of rehashed generalities"

Darryl Smith Said: "Great WSO....It's a tough world out there...the fight just got one-sided thanks to you"

Warrior ID: DukeNasty said: "I sent out 9 packs....scored 4 call backs and I completed 2 sof the appointments resulted in sales ....$3000"

What Warriors are saying about this report:

successblogsUK wrote: "I contacted 12 potential clients and got 3 sign ups...that's £1,797 in less than 1 (this WSO) works and it works well"

Lisa Gergets wrote:

"This is the most ACTIONABLE WSO I've ever purchased...this is so seriously easy to follow...if you're on the fence about buying this WSO, I say go for it!"

Holly Cotter wrote: This is an excellent WSO...even if this is your first attempt at offline consulting, you can use this tactic to pick up new clients."

Kim (kjfuller1) wrote:

"Just purchased this WSO and I am excited to put it to work! Very nice laid out system to get Google Places clients. I also appreciate that there is not cold calling with this method. Besides the fact that I hate cold calling, I really think it doesn't work that well anymore."

Amanda (LADYLIONESS) wrote: "This is super easy, step by step, and when you say effective, I can see why."

Wes (3minutevideos) wrote: "I'm really glad I purchased this!"

CarolineD wrote: "This product is pretty much step-by-step and he gives examples and pictures to go along with his instructions. No more analysis paralysis for me. ....Buy this won't be disappointed"

RussRave wrote: "I just downloaded your report my friend and it is brilliant."

Scotth wrote: "You have offered up one of the best WSO for getting offline clients...with your twist this will make the business owner take serious note!"

Bronke13 (Bronwyn and Keith) wrote: "Just picked this up and its very well put together."

Just picked this up and its very well put together.

Can certainly use it as another avenue to get in the door is always welcome.


Bronwyn and Keith [QUOTE]

websitepopularityservices wrote: "A good friend of mine and Warrior Forum legend Russ Hall recommended this...I am now the proud owner of a copy and have sent it to my sales people for implementation"

asnorth (Tony) wrote: "This wso is a great method of lead generation...If you are not comfortable with cold calling then I would highly recommend buying this course"

Goldie22 (Debbie) wrote: "I purchased this a couple of days ago, as I'm all for anything that doesn't require cold calling....I'm also glad you included a template of the letter we need to send out as that will help to speed things up too!"

NME (Nadine) wrote: "The letter is 'perfect' and can be edited to my approach.....i can sell, but this WSO does the heavy lifting".

Texenergy wrote: "I just bought the package and I am really happy I did. After buying so many offline WSO's I was beginning to think they were all meant for the super sales guys..or all those offline marketers who are struggling to get clients this is definitely for you".

TheGuitarShaun wrote: "very interesting approach, im new to seo but i like this.."

AussieT wrote: ".....The template letter is one of best that I have seen of this type."

Mark68: "Definitely better than blindly sending out bunches of direct mail letters."


Magic Button :


Hmmm the words "HASH" and "RE" come to mind again!!!

Looks like some of Joe Vitale's hard work from the late 90's re-hashed for
the modern internet user!!!

Thanks and Reps for Pat and Nokia (as always) for good share
Max reps OP for share..

Here is SP
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Thankx for sharing - rep added!
Thanks for the share.
Merci..... repped you, kindly!
Great share + reps
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