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Full Version: [GET] powtoon free Classroom account, and ignite your creativity
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Rep added :)

Sharing is caring
Thanks Mobo, Max Reps added...
Awesome Signup for free Rep added..
Thank you. It worked. repped!
Thanks a lot Mobo12!

Much appreciated for your efforts. Works great!!!

This is for anyone who has any trouble sign up - i tried signing up with facebook login and it did not work. This is how I got it to work:

1) sign up with your email
2) when they ask you what you will use it for click education teacher
3) fill in payment details
4) will work 100%

Very smooth! Thank you.
I sign up as a student and apply the code and it works thank you although sorry can't able to give you Rep.
thanks .. awesome
It's still working, Happydance Awesome

thanks :)
Nice, still working! Unfortunately Classroom +60 Free will appeared with watermark too.
Pages: 1 2 3
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