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Full Version: [GET] AI Article Rewriter Software and PR Pro Press Release Tool + Bonuses - MALICE
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regarding mac version - tried on mountain lion OSX - installed but cannot start
thank you so much Malice...+5 rep :)
I am looking for the AI article rewriter but the file says no file on server. Anyone still have working mirror? Thank you in advance and max repped for Malice.
hi looking as well for AIArticle Rewriter, anyone would have it tks in advance
but it is not working it doesn't rewrite articles, i've checked 10+ articles
Links on Post #6 still work.
(01-12-2016 12:44 AM)SlumdogGeordie Wrote: [ -> ]Does anyone have the DL Shield that I thought was included in this share?
I unzipped the downloaded file but it wasn't there.

Thanks in advance if you can help.

DL Shield isn't included in this share
Awesome share, thanks + repped!
Thank you working like it's suppose to. Max reps.
please reupload
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