Just for fun, because I found something wrong in this picture.
Originally, this photo is presented as I found it without any modifications and yet there is something wrong that I can not explain - the holding is still transparent.
So what's wrong - submit your view here, I will give my point of view after...
In your opinion:
Image tampered or not - say what you observe or not?
the curtain behind seems longer on the right hand side, on the left its cut off
* Left view is looking left... right view is looking towards You...
* Curtain seems to be extended further on right hand view...
* Her back seems more curved on the right than it is on the left...
* Skin tone is darker on left than the right...
* Left hand view, Her body seems thinner...
I'm sure there can be more... :D
The bracelet shouldn't be in the reflection since her head is in between the bracelet and the mirror.
My IMPORTANT opinion makes clear - no doubt! - That the big mistake of this picture is the fact that I am no part of the image ...
I should be there, embracing the model behind and giving kisses on the neck of the girl ...
I love those little comments, I also appreciate those involved - thank you.
But for now, no one has found that ME I noticed while I continue to be skeptical about a trick or not.
No nipples!
And I'm not there giving her love bites.
(08-31-2015 05:21 PM)Rob Zombie Wrote: [ -> ]No nipples!
And I'm not there giving her love bites.
BINGO Rob Zombie !!
This is exactly what I noticed first saw the image the first time, the girl can not have breasts without nipples.
Indeed, in the picture, NO NIPPLES appear yet the handling is transparent - we should see.
In any case, if the photo is tampered with, it is rather well done because without this detail we see nothing special to report.
Nevertheless, I continue to be skeptical regarding changes that would have been made.