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Full Version: [GET] SLIDER REVOLUTION 5.0.5
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Version 5.0.5 StarPath (27th August 2015)

Added “Disable Browser Blur/Focus behavior” option to not stop the Slider in case the broswer tab has been blurred
Added a Info Field under Main Background / Source Settings to show the current selected Image URL
Double Click is now allowed for Editing content of Layers for quicker Content Editor Mode
Added a Quick Menu to edit Slider, Go back to Sliders Overview or edit Slides directly
Added revaddcallback() Method to add Call Back to i.e. the Parallax Module. See Documentation for further instructions
Added revgetparallaxproc() Method to get the current scroll percentage
Added Maximum Width option to Slider that are set to Slide Layout – Auto
Added new Premium and Free Template Store
Added dropdown into the admin bar in frontend, to be able to quick edit all existing Slider on the current page (Only visible for adminstrative users)
Allow to change Title of Slides due simple Enter / Tab also for quick editing Slide Titles
Adding content to a text box (for the first time) is automatically mirrored in the layer’s ‘caption text’
Click on the Small Thumbnail in Slider Overview will open the Slide Editor
Changed missleading “Video Not Found” to make it more clear for YouTube videos if no thumbnail is set on the video
Removed option Hide Controls for Vimeo Video Layer as this is not supported by Vimeo
Minor Layout changes in Slider lists and in Slide Editor
All Styles are now printed in one single style tag
Reduced markup size of the Sliders (inline styles reduced)
Fixed Next Slide on Focus bug
Fixed a bug that broke the Slider Output when using Spinner “4”
Fixed RTL Layer Aligns on Frontend. Elements now showing up in the Correct position on RTL Direction also
Fixed a bug where files relative with special chars under subdomain could not be loaded
Fixes the 1px Gap on the left side at some fullscreen and fullwidth Sliders
Fixed an Editor Bug where Imported Layers could not be edited on some browser
Fixed import inside of Slider Settings
Fixed a bug where Responsive Videos on alternative Layer Grids had only a dimension of 100×100px
Fixed a bug where Videos not act Responsiv in some situation
Fixed a bug where Parallax Start Position jumps if Site is scrolled at load
Fixed a missing Static to a function which could cause a notice.
Fixed a bug where putRevSlider() could result into a fatal error
Fixed a bug in import process where the revapi text in custom JS was replaced wrong
Fixed a bug with WPML, where a part of the website would would change the language to something different if a Slider is added to the page
Fixed JetPack related bugs for compatibility
Fixed an issue where media files with Parameter attached in file name were not loaded in the Slider
Fixed an issue related with ShowBiz where in certain circumstances ShowBiz Slider Settings could no longer be opened
Fixed an issue with TinyMCE not beeing able to add Slider in the Post/Page Editor
Fixed Visual Composer FrontEnd editor issue
Fixed issues if Slider is loaded through ajax
Fixed issues where the Slider did not show up under certain circumstances


Magic Button :

thanks for the share
Thanks man! rep+
thanks! rep+
thanks for share. I hope its clean.
Thank you very much, +10 reps added :)
does it include jquery version, i need the jquerry version..,,.
im alread done with using wp and up to development
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