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Full Version: [F4LT] - The Iran Nuclear Deal explained by an Israeli
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Learn from an Israeli guy about the 2015 Iran Nuclear Deal and why is it so important that congress will pass it.

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I don't follow international politics but that title just sounds like it's going to be a very biased "explanation" of things (not critisizing, just an observation).
Seems very interesting, thank you.
Thanks Uriah777. +Rep
Seems very interesting, thank you
This forum is the last place I thought I'd see politics being discussed and yet here we are. All kidding aside, I hope this deal goes through and not be killed by a do-nothing congress in the US.
lol why would udemy allow courses like this? [and no i'm not a muslim d**** rider] Overly politicized courses like this one to the silly new age courses, that have polluted udemy's marketplace...will ultimately tarnish their brand
I am with the jews on this one, neither jesus/father god/allah are true gods.
I'm listening to it now and I am worried that this guy (course guy) is way off track, he wants THE deal to go through??? I would think if I lived near someone that says they want to remove me and ALL Israels' off the map and we (USA) are next as the next target I don't think I would want them (Iran) to have a nuclear bomb, in the hands of THE worlds largest terrorists organization/supporters???
I'll listen/watch until the end but I would rather die fighting than on my knees begging for my life as this poor fellow I'm afraid is going to.
Seems the USA "thought" they could TRUST N Korea too, to not get nuclear weapons and we see how well that worked.
thanks Uriah777. +Rep
This is from the LA Times:
"The weaknesses in the agreement are significant. For example, while the inspection regime for known nuclear sites is robust, the procedures for inspecting so-called undeclared sites is both protracted and cumbersome, and falls far short of the "any time, anywhere" inspections many had hoped for. If Iran objects to immediate inspection of such a site, the agreement provides for up to 14 days for negotiation. Some experts worry that Iran could exploit the delay to cover up evidence of violations."

I wonder how this Israel Jew can wish that Iran get $150 BILLION and think that Israel would be safer when Iran is THE biggest supporter of terrorists. The BIGGEST flaw in his argument is Obamas word that this is a the best that can be hoped for??? Bill CLinton assured the world that HIS deal with North Korea was also the deal to stop them from getting nukes, how'd that work out for the world? The crazy KID in North Korea has nuclear bombs today and is causing many problems in that area of the world.
I pray they don't pass this treaty or whatever title they gave it, the world will be less safe!
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