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Anyone interested in setting up a GB for Barry and Roger's new Program??

Better hurry..I'm In

It looks excellent.

I am in as well
Count me in also
Count me in also
count me in to
Thats Great Guys!!

Not sure what pricing you have in mind but i can see 10 people at $90 a head for the Platinum.

What do you think?
i am fine with $90
Let's increase GB members to like 30. Coz I was there in the webinar last night. They keep pitching sales than giving some content. So I doubt how much worth their course is. So let's increase members and cut the loses.
I would also love to get in on a GB but I'm with sonpink above on having 30 participants.
I agree 30 people would be perfect at around $30 each.
Anyone interested please keep posting in here and I willl
contact a trusted GB orgainzer to see about running a GB.

I watched the entire webinar...this guy's business model
for giving away items for free as a lead generator is pretty
awesome (but still profiting because of s/h is so simple but brilliant).
Seriously this guy says he has only been using this busines model
for about 4 weeks but has consistantly been selling at least $1000
a day giving away free stuff (that he makes a profit on AND helps fund
small FB ads).

We have to get this so please post only if you're truly interested in
a GB. Let's get this filled today...the more people that show their
interest in this thread makes it more likely a GB will be organized and
completed today...which is probably what it will take to get this as
the seller has said there are extemely limited openings into the
mastermind. They are doing another webinar this morning at 8am PST
for this so I'm sure it will be available for purchase at least thru today
so let's jump all over this!

Please post if you're interested in a GB. Thanks!
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