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Full Version: [GET] Niche Book By RankXL (112 Different Niches + 300 keyword ideas)
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(08-27-2015 07:08 PM)saqqa Wrote: [ -> ]thx and reps

Youre Welcome :)
(08-26-2015 09:40 AM)kadii98 Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks man

Youre welcome (:
Link Updated!
Thanks for sharing this niche book!
Great sharing
Thank you and Good luck
(08-25-2015 01:21 PM)hardworker1970 Wrote: [ -> ]
(08-25-2015 10:32 AM)vishal_gutsy Wrote: [ -> ]Can somebody please help me with this, I m a newbie to internet marketing.
Lets say I built a successful niche website and getting a good traffic. What after that, how would I earn money from that traffic ? Adsense ? Please reply.

To explain this process will be very long and tedious, just search for products like "Google Sniper" in the search box on this website and download the ebook.

Thanks for the reply mate. Ill check out this course.
Here is my review:

You get a list of niches (doh!) and three keywords with number of searches and according CPC (wondering from when these numbers are?).

This would have been cool if there would be long tail keywords (and looking at his site this is what he pretends to use) and NOT the three word keywords from his 'book'.

Mostly the keywords are the usual ones that everyone and her dog recommends:

adding '... tips', 'how to ...' and so on. This is rather lame IMHO.

The only thing I found interesting is how high some CPCs are like Pilot Training or Designer Training.

But this gives you no real benefit for ranking so just for the curious out there

TBH I am wondering why he is so keen on taking down the links. Maybe he is afraid about getting the word out that this is not worth the time and money.
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