08-23-2015, 12:43 AM
[b]*** Click here to get the course for $10 (94% OFF)! ***[/b][/url]
In this course I WILL be teaching you how to play fingerstyle guitar. I cover all of the challenging chords, picking patterns, and techniques that are critical to this style IN DETAIL. I will be teaching you well known songs using a mutli-layered approach.
I call these individual layers phases. Phase 1 will cover the chords and alternating bass pattern, phase 2 will cover the chords and the bass played together, phase 3 will be the bass, chords, and melody. This is design specifically to allow you to learn your own favorite songs easily and quickly, because you learn the mechanics behind fingerstyle - NOT just a couple of bars off of a tab. This will also enable you to write your own songs for fingerstyle.
This layered system is extremely effective and will break down any barriers you may have encountered while trying to learn fingerstyle on your own.
[b]*** Click here to get the course for $10 (94% OFF)! ***[/b][/url]
In this course I WILL be teaching you how to play fingerstyle guitar. I cover all of the challenging chords, picking patterns, and techniques that are critical to this style IN DETAIL. I will be teaching you well known songs using a mutli-layered approach.
I call these individual layers phases. Phase 1 will cover the chords and alternating bass pattern, phase 2 will cover the chords and the bass played together, phase 3 will be the bass, chords, and melody. This is design specifically to allow you to learn your own favorite songs easily and quickly, because you learn the mechanics behind fingerstyle - NOT just a couple of bars off of a tab. This will also enable you to write your own songs for fingerstyle.
This layered system is extremely effective and will break down any barriers you may have encountered while trying to learn fingerstyle on your own.