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Hi BHF FAMILY, been in this forum for 2 years and trust me when I say I've have looked online an within this forum and I've asked for help personally and I cannot get anyone who is willing to 1. point me in the right direction where I can learn or 2. Tell me how. What am I talking about.

1. How to hide links on your post on BHF (I want to contribute and share, but I cannot if I don't know the basics)

2. Seen a new feature "magic button" - How to create the new hide magic button

3. How to create MIRRORS

Magic Button :
Here is code for magic button


open with [spoiler] [code] paste text here

Close spoiler and code with / (back slash) before spoiler and code
For creating Mirrors, I use Just drag the file into the interface, select which hosts you want it shared to and viola!
This is what I did.

PHP Code:
[spoiler][url]Paste Link Here[/url][/spoiler

To get this:

Magic Button :
(09-12-2015 01:48 AM)Razmataz13 Wrote: [ -> ]This is what I did.

PHP Code:
[spoiler][url]Paste Link Here[/url][/spoiler

To get this:

Magic Button :

Lets see if I get this....if I don't your going to feel like Mad Slap I know....I did say I am a NEWBIE.....

Okay here goes
IT WORKKKKKKKS, I HAVE GRADUATEDD OFFICALLY AS A BHF member (still a newbie) but hey, the basics, now I can post links of stuff I have and get and contribute to this AMAZING FORUM!!!!!! WHOOO!!!

MAD APPRECIATIVE PEOPLE, MAD APPRECIATIVE. So annoying not knowing how and not getting help, thanks!!!!!
IronPalm, just copy and paste that bit of code for the magic button on your notepad and save for reference until you memorize it. Just remember the forward slash [ / ] to close in the brackets! Well done!
Great info guys. Thanks I have been wondering the same thing. Now its time for me to contribute back to the community. Been out the game for a while.
Thank you for this info. This was difficult for me to find for some reason. Sent ya'll some reps. --brick

Thank you
Magic Button :
Now what is the code for post to unlock?
Reference URL's