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Full Version: [GET] Management Courses free for REVIEW trade
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Pages: 1 2
Hey there,
I have several High Quality Management courses that are in need of some reviews.

Introduction to Management
Business Management
Project Management
Finance for Managers

Ill gladly post free coupons in return for Reviews.

Inbox or Reply please..

Thank you in advance
I'll review for you if you want.
I'll review if they deserve!.
Fair enough :)
I will review if it deserves :)
I am very interested in project management, I'm about to start a business, just one thing; I will not write a review until I finish the whole course, and don't worry if I don't like something I'll let you know first.. Thank you in advance.
I will write a nice Review.
I'll review if they deserve!.
Will give you a great review. Thanks
This is SPAM - Wrong Section.

Asking for Reviews doesn't make these Udemy courses 'free'.

Still a newbie to BBHF and don't know how to use an Internet forum yet OP?
Following the Rules son, and STOP SPAMMING BBHF for your own selfish greed.
Pages: 1 2
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