Sales Page here:
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P.S There are other softwares on the market that can act as alternatives
Take action, Max Rep is Appreciated as long as you take action!
More reps added :).
Thanks a lot.
holy shit livelife1! thanks a lot!
do they provide templates? word documents for example?...
of course reps added!
Thank you so much. wonderful
No it was all video
I think the webinar was probably
one of the best presentations that
made anyone want to know about the
He didn't completely open up, his whole
outsourcing model
I would suggest this:
Thats priceless, for one of the sections where he discusses
organisation - i think that blog post gives a better interpretation
Also i would suggest Noah Kagan course on hiring apprentices,
i've just done a search and did not see it - so i will up that as well
I would also suggest Outsource Force, reese is a boss, the shades
in his launch videos put me off him, but when you go through that
course, you will see how he's so on point.
He is a Student of Gary Halbert, you wouldn't expect any less
(08-20-2015 08:15 AM)jadt Wrote: [ -> ]holy shit livelife1! thanks a lot!
do they provide templates? word documents for example?...
of course reps added!
Just posted
[/code]Noah Kagan - Appsumo - his EXACT process for hiring Interns, use this in the Outsource All Star Automation process and enjoy the very short video[code]
(08-20-2015 08:15 AM)jadt Wrote: [ -> ]holy shit livelife1! thanks a lot!
do they provide templates? word documents for example?...
of course reps added!
Hey Guys, GOOD NEWS.
Doing a simple Google search I was able to get the templates:
- Go to Google search box and type
- Scroll down and click on the number 4 or 6 whatever you get (number of result pages).
- You will get a message: In order to show you the most relevant results, we have omitted some entries very similar to the 35 already displayed.
If you like, you can repeat the search with the omitted results included.
Click on "repeat the search with the omitted results included".
- Go back to page 1 and start going through the results. Most of them are named with a [pdf] or [doc] tag.
I think they are all there.
(I guess his VA's didn't know how to hide the templates ;)).
thanks. reps to livelife1 and Boom![/b]
Thank you for the GR8 share
Rep added

where can we buy the software guys?