08-18-2015, 12:37 PM
Pages: 1 2
08-18-2015, 02:36 PM
[quote='CoachP30' pid='1390100' dateline='1439865428']
Is the content still ok Mahab?
To be honest, I don't know yet. I will take a further look at the media queries course, as I would definitely like to hone my skills in that area.
Speaking for myself, when I take such a webbev course--no matter the specific topic--I want to finish with course by producing something that I feel is modern and beautiful. That's what inspires me to put in all the effort.
Just one example of a Udemy introductory webdev course that I felt was quite satisfying was Jonas Schmedtmann's Build Responsive Real World Websites with HTML5 and CSS3. He guides the beginner to produce a truly remarkable-looking website. Take a look at it if you wish. It shouldn't be that hard to similarly guide students to such results no matter what the particular focus is, such as media queries.
Not to belabour the point, but imagine the above mentioned Schmedtmann's course if he were to have the same content--technically-sound lessons on media queries, scrolling effects, parallax, etc.--but in the context of producing an ugly site with ugly colors and fonts. Yes, you would learn some skills possibly, but you wouldn't be inspired.
So the bottom line for me: If I were to speak to one of the instructors, my sincere advice would be to add a section at the end of each course (with 5 or so lectures) where you "put into practice" everything the student had just learned and produce a brand new, stunning finished website. And rework the promo of the course to emphasize that website as the ultimate goal of the course. Doing so would re-contextuallize for me the rest of the course--I wouldn't mind so much the trudging through the rest of it if I knew there were a big payoff at the end.
Is the content still ok Mahab?
To be honest, I don't know yet. I will take a further look at the media queries course, as I would definitely like to hone my skills in that area.
Speaking for myself, when I take such a webbev course--no matter the specific topic--I want to finish with course by producing something that I feel is modern and beautiful. That's what inspires me to put in all the effort.
Just one example of a Udemy introductory webdev course that I felt was quite satisfying was Jonas Schmedtmann's Build Responsive Real World Websites with HTML5 and CSS3. He guides the beginner to produce a truly remarkable-looking website. Take a look at it if you wish. It shouldn't be that hard to similarly guide students to such results no matter what the particular focus is, such as media queries.
Not to belabour the point, but imagine the above mentioned Schmedtmann's course if he were to have the same content--technically-sound lessons on media queries, scrolling effects, parallax, etc.--but in the context of producing an ugly site with ugly colors and fonts. Yes, you would learn some skills possibly, but you wouldn't be inspired.
So the bottom line for me: If I were to speak to one of the instructors, my sincere advice would be to add a section at the end of each course (with 5 or so lectures) where you "put into practice" everything the student had just learned and produce a brand new, stunning finished website. And rework the promo of the course to emphasize that website as the ultimate goal of the course. Doing so would re-contextuallize for me the rest of the course--I wouldn't mind so much the trudging through the rest of it if I knew there were a big payoff at the end.
08-18-2015, 06:11 PM
Good to know thank you for adding this!
08-23-2015, 01:52 PM
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09-29-2016, 02:50 PM
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09-29-2016, 03:36 PM
Thanks to all who have gone before me and left their opinions and experience here.
Based on that and the online reviews, I'll pass on this one.
Is it free? Yes. Is my time/life free? No.
Based on that and the online reviews, I'll pass on this one.
Is it free? Yes. Is my time/life free? No.
Pages: 1 2