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Full Version: It's Hurt I Need A Very Big Advice.
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Hello guys, today is my very worst day of my life that i ever had. I'm a college student and only 18 years old. I have crush on my classmate. so i did a move, what i did? i friend with her (frendzone) which i think a worst move. don't get me wrong i never have a girlfriend before and im fresh and newbie when it comes on relationship and love love talk. but i really like her. things are going good, we are almost always together with the school room and we are buying food and eating together on cafeteria. but one thing that i know that she like other guy my other classmate which is handsome than me. to make more specific i want you to know how i compare myself to my classmate that he like.

ME: My Classmate the she likes.

Handsome: 7/10 Handsome: 8/10
Confidence: 9/10 Confidence: 9/10
Being Funny: 5/10 Being Funny: 9/10
Coolness: 7/10 Coolness: 8/10

Always in class and He has a lot of absent and he's a jerk.
have a good grades.

I know it's funny comparing me to him but i want you to give a good info as possible because i really need a good advice.

so, today i ask the girl that i like on the park and i talk about my feelis on her. i don't know if he rejected me but this is exactly what she said in kindly tone and manners.

"I'm not looking for boyfriend for now, I just got breakups with my last boyfriend, don't get me wrong im not rejecting people, but it's going to be looking that i just play with my boyfriend" she said that because she recently break ups with her boyfriend about a 1.5 months now. and yeah, she's saying the truth.

So, what kind of advice that you can give to me fellow attractioner should i let her go and giveup. if that's the only solution how can i do it? i mean she's my classmate and my friend i can't just ignore her like that. or should i use some tricks to attract her and love me? i mean is there any way to make her like me after she said that?

if yes, any advice will be 101% apprecitaed thank you and thank you for the creator of this forum.

P.S: sorry for my terrible english.
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