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Full Version: CPA Affiliate Marketing - Skype Mastermind Group
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Hey Guys,

Me and other member have started a skype mastermind group focused only on CPA affiliate marketing.

If you match the following criteria:

- Actively running CPA campaigns
- Planning to start running CPA campaigns within a few days
- Want to share your knowledge, and get help with your own campaigns

This is the group for you.

The goal of this group is to connect like minded individuals, and help each other grow our businesses.

If your interested, PM me.
add me skype ID: ramer.lacida
Please add me too , my skype is localsitegroup
Hey guys,

I couldnt get the group of the ground, Angry.. sorry
add me skype : jeanmichel94511
Add me.. My skype: seocrimeindia
Skype group is back on, I am going to try this one more time.
im new here and would love to be apart of this
Please add me to the group gamn13. My skype: guytimothyjames
(08-16-2015 02:09 PM)gamn13 Wrote: [ -> ]Hey Guys,

Me and other member have started a skype mastermind group focused only on CPA affiliate marketing.

If you match the following criteria:

- Actively running CPA campaigns
- Planning to start running CPA campaigns within a few days
- Want to share your knowledge, and get help with your own campaigns

This is the group for you.

The goal of this group is to connect like minded individuals, and help each other grow our businesses.

If your interested, PM me.

if there is "or" between all the three criteria {
i = qualify
pm = me your skype id


return i m a newbie
Pages: 1 2 3
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