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I saw many peoples are asking to share Social Prank. So here is it:

[Image: Xp8vnSB.png]

Demo Page:

Download Link:

Maximum +REP are appreciated for thanking me.
long waited for this, thank u so much, reps added.

max rep added
good share +5 reps added
Only me get error when i save admin options?

"Notice: Undefined index: btn_admin_panel in /inc/_menu.php on line 57

Notice: Undefined index: btn_purchase in /inc/_menu.php on line 64

Notice: Undefined index: btn_works in /inc/_menu.php on line 67"
thanks man!!! rep+
(08-16-2015 04:27 AM)patrykos360 Wrote: [ -> ]Only me get error when i save admin options?

"Notice: Undefined index: btn_admin_panel in /inc/_menu.php on line 57

Notice: Undefined index: btn_purchase in /inc/_menu.php on line 64

Notice: Undefined index: btn_works in /inc/_menu.php on line 67"

small bug in last version 2.6
edit file admin/_geniral.php
line 80
<input type="text" class="form-control input-lg" id="<?php echo $key?>" name="<?php echo ucfirst(str_replace("_"," ",$key))?>" <?php if($key == 'version'){?> disabled="disabled"<?php }?> value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars(stripcslashes($val))?>">
replace to
<input type="text" class="form-control input-lg" id="<?php echo $key?>" name="<?php echo $key?>" <?php if($key == 'version'){?> disabled="disabled"<?php }?> value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars(stripcslashes($val))?>">
omg this is a funny script... lol I will use it on my friends first hahaha.. thanks for sharing it mate.
i was testing this script, done everything correctly but when i tried visiting the site it's redirecting me to hosting owners 404 error page.
how do i fix this? any help?
(08-22-2015 06:43 PM)tamzid Wrote: [ -> ]i was testing this script, done everything correctly but when i tried visiting the site it's redirecting me to hosting owners 404 error page.
how do i fix this? any help?

Check .htaccess file.
(08-22-2015 07:00 PM)pankajjangir Wrote: [ -> ]
(08-22-2015 06:43 PM)tamzid Wrote: [ -> ]i was testing this script, done everything correctly but when i tried visiting the site it's redirecting me to hosting owners 404 error page.
how do i fix this? any help?

Check .htaccess file.

files are uploaded in "public_html" folder, opened the .htaccess file:
""Options -Indexes
RewriteEngine On

<Files .htaccess>
order allow,deny
deny from all

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /redirect.php?$1 [L]""

what i have do now?
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