08-14-2015, 11:19 PM
Bonuses from copybuilder
English + MP4 + PDF + MP3 + 695 MB
Quote:Hi, My name is Alex and before now, I used to blow thousands of dollars in copywriters fees all the time...
And then I had to wait weeks just to get the first draft.
As if that wasn't bad enough, here's the real kicker... MOST TIMES, the copy just doesn't convert - the product flops and you make an absolutely miserable - no profit,nothing, zilch, nada!
Here's just some proof of the fees I've paid to copywriters in the past.
Look, I can go on and on to show you more copywriters and all the huge fees I've paid to them over the past few years but I'm sure you get the idea already.
The ugly part wasn't the thousands of dollars I was wasting on these so-called expert copywriters all the time but the fact that most of the copies, facebook ads and video scripts I got from them weren't converting and I was losing sales faster than a broken water pipe.
That's When I Said I'm DONE With This...
So, I teamed up with one of the top marketers in our circle who does millions of dollars yearly and who's also sick of paying copywriters and getting a junk letter that couldn't even sell rice to a hungry bird!
Then we sat down and pulled together our best converting sales copies, video scripts, ad copies and lead pages across multiple niches and created professional high converting templates out of them then we built a software that will automate the entire process...
...so that in mere minutes, you can click a few buttons and have commercial grade sales copy that produces results like this...
Here Are Some of The Results We've Generated
With Our Template Based Sales Copies and Video Scripts in The Last Few Months:
These templates are specially formulated from the most successful sales copy in history so you KNOW it will convert with certainty, you'll have your sales material in minutes and you'll NEVER need to pay any copywriter anymore.
Regardless of your niche... this software + our templates will work 100% for you.
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