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Full Version: HypnoNLP. Please stop posting.
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Is it just me, or is anyone else getting tired of HypnoNLP spamming this section with hypnosis courses? If you have a problem, he's bound to have a course on how you can solve it with hypnosis! Your dog died? Bring it back with hypnosis. Have cancer? Hypnotize yourself so that you don't have cancer!

Please tell me it's not just me that is getting annoyed by the frequency of his posts of a new hypnosis course that can cure you of some problem that you have.
HypnoNLP! Please [size=x-large]resume[/size] posting!
Just want to say... Keep sharing HypnoNLP!
[quote='freedumb123' pid='1385101' dateline='1439523628']
Is it just me, or is anyone else getting tired of HypnoNLP spamming this section with hypnosis courses? If you have a problem, he's bound to have a course on how you can solve it with hypnosis! Your dog died? Bring it back with hypnosis. Have cancer? Hypnotize yourself so that you don't have cancer!

Please tell me it's not just me that is getting annoyed by the frequency of his posts of a new hypnosis course that can cure you of some problem that you have.

What is your problem. He is the author of the courses. And this forum is meant for that. There are many people including me who find this course useful. If you don't like it, just move on.
Freedumb (it is only you).

The only useful shares in this forum are related to hypnosis, NLP, and the copywriting section. Pretty much everything else is a waste of time.

If you don't like hypnosis, then get a move on and go back to your $7 WSO's that will never make you any money.

Please stop meddling with useful shares that are related to hypnosis, NLP and copywriting.

Folks who know how to use them make a ton of money with them. I use hypnosis and self hypnosis a lot and I know how much it has improved my life over the years. Ditto for all the copywriting shares by NonConformer.

HypnoNLP don't listen to the dumb folks who call themselves dumb! Continue sharing!
Personally, I ain't got no problem with it, dude.

Post away, object of discorn! I think that is you, HypnoNLP

Freedom to share, freedom to die. We will kill and die for our freedom, but, op, you are a-ok for pointing it out, because it is your right to say what you want.
I do not feel annoyed per se but I feel about these NLP courses becoming less and less valuable the more this Pradeep keeps pumping and producing these courses.
I just took one of the courses and thought it was great. Please keep posting them Pradeep! Self Hypnosis is a wonderful tool.
FreeDumb123, No it's not just you, I think it's everyone who actually loves the Udemy platform, this BBHF platform, and the great Udemy authors. Unfortunately, Mr. Agarwal is anything but a respectable Udemy author, he is a shameless spammer. Friends, before you jump on writing a hateful comment for my post, I request you to actually go watch a few of Mr. Agarwal's courses. It will become clear, I say he is a low type spammer. Mr. Agarwal has close to 150 courses on Udemy right now. All his courses average 7 to 8 videos, (total length 35 to 40 minutes) of them all but 1 are exactly same in every single course. 1 unique (?) video of 5 to 6 minutes is there to match his catchy course title. You begin watching that video, he has the same beginning for up to 1.5 minutes, then for the remaining 3 to 4 minutes he just reads from a book/script or whatever. How can you call that a Hypnosis session? His whole efforts to create these so called hypnosis courses, and his shameless promotion of such spams in BBHF is truly tasteless. This is unfortunate that Udemy doesn't have good quality control of the courses.
Please don't compare him to other Udemy authors. That is a huge disrespect to the other Udemy authors. Show me another author who created 150 courses or even a fraction of that on Udemy with almost identical content. If there are only 10 authors like Mr. Agarwal in Udemy, this platform will stink worse than anything you can think of. I love Udemy and BBHF, and Mr. Agarwal is disservice to both.
although this is NOT a 'discussion' forum, I will weigh in my 2 cents (Man, I hope it ain't long...Blush)

On one part I agree with freedumb123, there are alot of them suddenly being mass produced, but it doesn't matter whose posting them (hypnonlp is probably the pulp creating instructor, hence the constant posts Lol).

And although I enjoy NLP as a science style, these strew of courses do hinge on the edge of fictional impossibilities. so yeah, rolling my eyes at them alot recently. Undecided

BUT there's another part which agrees with the other commenters. This IS a forum for sharing udemy courses, regardless of the subject matter of a course. I can guarantee there are members (family) here gobbling it up and practically pi$$ing themselves over them. Wink
Who are WE to deprive THEM of their interests? Undecided
I like to sleep in, but my little brother likes to get up early to play. That doesn't mean I should lock him in his room Verysad until I feel like getting up at noon, now does it?


HYPNONLP is just as new, and he came here to share. KUDOS ! Cool Love
that's the point of our little circle here. 42rock 42rock 42rock 42rock

And your contribution is .....Huh hate? dictatorship? new leader?
Get to be a veteran before throwing opinions around, buddy.
and while I'm at it... your username- freeDUMB... would of come across amusing, but after you created this thread, it strikes me as ironically disturbing, distasteful, and borderline offensive. Sad How's THAT for an opinion? Tongue You still think people's personal opinions should be exercised around here? Biggrin

(yeah, I made it long. Sleepy darn it )
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