08-13-2015, 08:49 PM
Perry Marshall, Mike Rhodes - Adwords Boot Camp 2015
English + [8 FLV, 8 MP3, 13 PDF, 10 JPG] + 2.21 GB
Quote:If you have not received a comprehensive training on Google AdWords, you are burning money.If you just fling your doors and windows wide open this winter and crank up your furnace as high as it can go, you'll waste less money on your heat bill than you're paying right now in pure Google stupidity tax.The Big G l-o-v-e-s stupidity tax, like a German Shepherd loves ham sandwiches.And to keep up with Facebook and, in my opinion, to boost their own earnings, Google has been making a LOT of changes this year. If you don't stay on top of them, those changes will steal your lunch money...and a lot more.If your AdWords chops aren't state of the art..
Dear Online Marketing Professional:
You feel the cold steel of the knife on your neck. You feel vulnerable because you know if bid prices went up another 15-20%, you'd be underwater. It terrifies you because you depend on that traffic. You feel the difference every time your Google traffic stops. Even when traffic stops for stupid reasons, like a credit card expiring.
Your Cost Per Click is way too high. Someone right next to you is paying 1/3 what you're paying.
Your ads aren't showing all the time (even though you think they are). This is called Impression Share and odds are your ads could show 2-4X as often as they do now. You're losing traffic you don't even know you're eligible for.
You are overlooking key insights into your customers and your market. People who are searching Google are attempting to scratch itches that you *could* scratch if you knew what they were - but you don't.
You hate playing the commodity game. Just another bidder in a sea of lead-hungry advertisers.
Your positions erode every time one of your competitors goes in and optimizes his account. You fall further behind. The water rises a little more and pretty soon it's up to your nose.
We can fix all that in 8 webinars.If you want to make immediate, tangible, decisive progress and put your online business on a rock-solid foundation in just 9 weeks, AdWords Boot Camp is for you. In the webinars, you'll receive the most thorough education we've ever offered covering every major aspect of Google AdWords. Even if you're just getting started.You'll get personal guidance and advice about your Google campaigns from a world-class expert.Bryan and I will give you new confidence in Pay Per Click. We wrote the world's most popular books on AdWords. As far as we can tell, we've been inside at least 1,200 Google accounts, mentoring our students. Our hand-selected coaches have grown up in Planet Perry and sold millions of dollars of their own products with AdWords traffic.
There Are 2 Kinds Of Players
On AdWords Right Now:
Those With Deep Pockets,
And Those With Knowledge.
We all know what "deep pockets" players are like - big dumb companies with too much money for their own good. Google and the ad agencies are happy to take their money. That's not you.You can compete with those guys, but you must possess the knowledge. Many people haven't stayed on top of their game. Others got intimidated and victory got stolen from them because they were afraid. You can still get affordable clicks when you have high Click Thru Rates and Quality Scores. The added complexity works to your advantage when you go back to school and get current.A lot of people think the opportunities on Google have come and gone. People talk about Facebook and LinkedIn and Google+ but the fact is, AdWords is still the best place to scale your traffic fast. A lot of people don't realize what huge quantities of traffic you can get when you're in the premium positions and the Jet Stream. A LOT of traffic. And the clicks there are probably less than you think. You just need to get there.Bryan, Mike, and I have helped more people drive their stake deep into the first page of Google and keep 100+ competitors at bay than anyone else on the Internet. So if you're ready to master Google AdWords we'll help you do it in 9 weeks. Yes, in just nine weeks I'll put you on the very top 1% of all Google advertisers, with AdWords Boot Camp.
What About Google Slaps And Bans?
Google's got quite a reputation among entrepreneurs for slapping people around. That reputation is well deserved but it's overblown. Because only 5% of the advertisers are really in any kind of danger. You've got a bulls-eye painted on your head if you sell:
Weight loss
Get Rich Quick
Marketing Advice
Google Advice
...or any industry that's highly regulated, scrutinized, or populated by scam artists. There's not much I can do about that. However, if you're among the 95% who sell...
Physical products
Business to Business products
Local or nationwide services
You've probably got nothing to worry about.Here's what all those slaps are really about: They're not about Google and they're most certainly not about you. They're about the U.S. Federal Trade Commission.See, all the problems really have to do with product categories that the FTC watches like a hawk. The FTC basically decided that instead of doing its due diligence and holding individual advertisers responsible for their behavior, they could just hold Google responsible instead.Essentially when there's a problem, the FTC goes after Google TOO.Google has paid over one billion dollars in fines to the U.S. Government. OUCH.That's a nasty stupidity tax.
Google deserved some of it. But certainly not all. And since the FTC holds this hammer over their head, YOU are guilty until proven innocent.IF you're in problem categories.But if you're NOT in a problem category... if you sell steel ingots or women's bras or vacation rentals, you're fine.Search vs. Display: Checkers vs. ChessThere are two kinds of Google advertisers: The ones whose bread and butter is Google search; and those whose bread and butter is the Display Network. Most do a little bit of both, but the approaches are different. Nearly all advertisers overlook major opportunities on both sides.I have rarely done a consultation with anyone who wasn't overlooking a major opportunity. Planet Perry is a culture of winners, a club of people who dominate markets without remorse or apology.
Stern Warning
If you are hoping AdWords will go away; if you're hoping some wellspring of new traffic will appear to propel you to success, then you are like a thirsty man in a desert seeing mirages in the distance.Yes, Facebook does work (if you ignore the social media gurus and listen to Tom Meloche and Keith Krance); yes, affiliate traffic can be great if you can get it; yes, email lists and offline media work. But if you don't have Google in the mix, at least a third of your traffic is going to somebody else.Google is not going away. Google is not changing their business model. The Internet isn't getting any less crowded.If you're behind now, you will only fall further behind in 2015 and beyond.Google is THE anvil on which you perfect your Unique Selling Proposition, your hook and your target market. In every niche, Google separates the men from the boys.Please understand, this is NOT about writing slightly better 95-character ads. This is about swinging big jumps in CTR. It's about locating the exact right group of people online. Excluding the wrong people. Engaging the optimum audience with the right passions and tastes and beginning a dance with them. It all starts on Google.But you have to make Google happy. It's not impossible as many suppose. You just need a focused, systematic approach.
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