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Full Version: [GET] David Deutsch - Copy Quick Start [20 Audio (MP3), 28 docs (PDF)]
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Pages: 1 2 3 4
I missed this.

Any chance of a reup - anyone ?

Thanks in advance...
Would love to see this re-uploaded, too.

Btw, found Copywriting A-Z PDF
Another bump to ask for a new mirror with this unique instructional material. I am sure that anyone that will use it will benefit a lot.
I will bump this as well
I'm bumping this thread to ask for a new mirror.
Please copy to your own mega account. Please rep NC.

Magic Button :
http://>>>[[[Reported by Members as URL Shortener! Post the actual link!]]]<<</2f0XdHl

Magic Button :

Password as usual.
Max reps to you johanis for this fresh mirror and NonConformer for sharing this gold with us!

I don't know what your first link is for, the mega link works perfectly.
I was trying to shorten the mega link via "bitly" but i guess bbhf does not allow shortened link. so i posted the actual mega link on the second one. i know, i know. it doesn't hurt to try new things.

so, pls just ignore the first link.
(11-22-2016 01:45 PM)johanis Wrote: [ -> ]Please copy to your own mega account. Please rep NC.

Magic Button :
http://>>>[[[Reported by Members as URL Shortener! Post the actual link!]]]<<</2f0XdHl

Magic Button :

Password as usual.

Please copy to your own mega account.

Magic Button :
Pages: 1 2 3 4
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