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Full Version: [WORKING] Instabuilder 2.09 Pro
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I have this installed on a subsite of a multisite install and it work perfectly for me.

it work .. NP ..
mazgalin, do you delete it and reinstall everytime it asks for al licence key?
@mokoo no it did not asked for license yet. I've done almost 20 landing pages with it without having any problems.
NEW vERSION InstaBuilder - V.2.1.9 IS OUT.

Here’s a list of the new update:
* New - Option to add checkbox on opt-in form to comply the EU Law (can be found under fields settings).
* New - Add several more google fonts (Josefin Slab, Source Sans Pro, Roboto, etc).
* New - Ability to rename page group name.
* New - Option to disable stats.
* Improvement - Page groups and landing pages are now open in new window when clicked (to be edited).
* Fix and update Webinar Jam API integration.
* Fix image uploader compatibility with WP 4.9.x.
* Fix and update image editor (Aviary) API integration.
* Fix opacity on box element (existing box elements must be re-configured and re-saved to update the css).
* Fix pop up scrolling and display on mobile.
* Fix and update social share element code
* Fix outset shadow display on box element
What’s Next?
- We plan to release more updates/new release every 2 months for all our products (or sooner as and when necessary)
- We’re working on developing our new product (not as big as InstaSuite), but it's gonna be as awesome or even more awesome as all the other products that we have. Stay tuned!!!
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