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Full Version: [Suggest] Poster Design
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Hi Guys,

Some one pls suggest me a poster for world fare Trade.

Basically have 3 images and large text. when i looked into graphics river i cant find any suitable template .

pls help me with finding the design.

Thanks in advance.
Theres heaps of good designers on fiverr.

Try one of the free deals here, cost $0.

I had a logo and some other graphcs done free on fiverr.

Here is a Free service on Fiverr. Claim it now!
(08-12-2015 01:49 PM)⁞J∆Y⁞G∆TSBY⁞® Wrote: [ -> ]Theres heaps of good designers on fiverr.

Try one of the free deals here, cost $0.

I had a logo and some other graphcs done free on fiverr.

Here is a Free service on Fiverr. Claim it now!

Thanks. I will look into it. Seems like fiver is on maintanance. :)
No problem, just so you know the free $5 deal is ok,
but I recommend buying an upgrade unless included of course (buy the PSD)

Then you can edit the poster design over n over yourself.
But theres decent graphics people on fiverr just check their previous work and be clear with what you require.
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