That theme looks like CRAP!
(08-11-2015 09:43 AM)lowno Wrote: [ -> ]That theme looks like CRAP!
On top of that it is not a [GET] but a [REQ]
Ah well, at least some of us are slowly crawling across the floor, towards the light. The subject theme may well be a total piece of regurgitated and worthless rubbish, with the wrong title header requested by a new member, but at least he's here, looking for help and not purchasing garbage on WF. Lets give him a hand folks. Tanzzee, start your search together with your new best friend, (assuming you've searched the boards here and nobodies got it, most likely because it is a piece of concentrated diarrhea) and ask Mr. Google, with a search string like this:"[GET]'The Local' theme". If you don't find it, move to step 2, read a WP for Dummies book and just build it in half an hour based on any free WP theme, at least it will be original and thus able to actually rank for SEO.