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Full Version: VIP UPGRADE
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Hi I have a friend who wants to upgrade from free to vip BBHF how can we do this for him? Thanks...
You need to open a thread in the support centre section and Lala will give you the payment instructions.
You can contact in the admin or any mod he will be able to help your friend out, but why you open the thread and not your friend instead?
(08-10-2015 12:40 AM)pcdoc212 Wrote: [ -> ]Hi I have a friend who wants to upgrade from free to vip BBHF how can we do this for him? Thanks...


If you get stuck, PM us and we will get it sorted for him/her ;-)

(08-10-2015 12:40 AM)pcdoc212 Wrote: [ -> ]Hi I have a friend who wants to upgrade from free to vip BBHF how can we do this for him? Thanks...

Are you asking the members to help pay for this upgrade???

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