08-09-2015, 05:55 AM
Here is a great course on Mobile Apps Development with Swift and Parse.
Lear to create:
[*]User sign up
[*]User sign in
[*]User sign out
[*]Password Reset
[*]Email Verification
[*]Push Notifications
[*]Case sensitive and Case Insensitive search
[*]Left side sliding navigation menu
[*]Social Sign in with Facebook account
[*]and more
[url=https://www.udemy.com/swift-developer-cookies-user-sign-up-login-password-reset/?couponCode=9_dollars]Click here to get this course for $9 only. [/url]
Lear to create:
[*]User sign up
[*]User sign in
[*]User sign out
[*]Password Reset
[*]Email Verification
[*]Push Notifications
[*]Case sensitive and Case Insensitive search
[*]Left side sliding navigation menu
[*]Social Sign in with Facebook account
[*]and more
[url=https://www.udemy.com/swift-developer-cookies-user-sign-up-login-password-reset/?couponCode=9_dollars]Click here to get this course for $9 only. [/url]